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Clydesdale raising and lowering head

So I just went out to feed and all was well… fast forward to an hour later I went to let all my horses out of their stalls and my Clydesdale is acting a little odd… she’s 2.5 her feed is always soaked to a mush… she at all her feed and walked of her stall and stopped in the door way of the barn and just stood there and started slowly raising her head up and down and then she’d do a couple quick nods… then she just kept doing it over and over… she’s still doing it… I have never seen her or any other horse with this behavior? She’s calm, breathing fine, just keeps raising her head up and then down real slow and nodding… any ideas???

At that doorway was she going from dark to very sunny?

Although 2-1/2 filly is unlikely, could be a version of head-shaking syndrome. Probably not, but thought I’d mention it.

Sounds like she might be choked. Even on soaked mush. I’d keep her inside and keep watching her closely for awhile. You might want to touch base with your vet now and go from there.


She’s not trying to cough, there is no nasal discharge or anything??

It sounds like a mild choke to me too.

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Third vote for mild choke

This is typical of how they act when suffering from a choke episode. Watch her carefully. Probably need to have her teeth floated. And maybe allow more time for the feed to soak. And make it mushier and softer.

She seems fine this am, her Feed soaks for a minimum of 12 hours and is always soupy, teeth were just floated 2 months ago, just didn’t look like an episode of choke I’ve ever seen…

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Another vote for mild choke. I’d put a call into your vet just in case.