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Cold laser home unit question:)

I found a small 2012 thread with comments on the benefits of cold laser therapy but nothing that addressed which home units are worth the money and which ones are not worth a pinch of salt for the money.

My Rottweiler had her first cold laser treatment at the vet clinic last week and the improvement in her hind legs was nothing short of a “Walk on water” moment.

I could use a good cold laser unit at home on my horse with the twice fractured sacrum; on me for a plethora of injuries and sciatica; on the Rottweiler down the road if she has flare ups.

My hope is to find a five star Class 3 for under $1,000, as I doubt I could find a quality Class 4 for that kind of money.

Hopefully there have been a lot of folks on here who have invested in their own cold laser devices since the 2012 thread I found. I would really appreciate reading comments as to the quality of the devices and which ones to avoid for lack of same.

Buying a Cold laser unit would have never occurred to me had I not seen the miracle one treatment has done for my Rottweiler’s hind legs. She is only 3-1/2 years so I was willing to try anything that didn’t involve surgery. Yesterday was her second treatment. Leaving for the treatment, she was able to walk down the landing steps in the garage but still has to come into the house thru the sliding doors. I have hopes the cold laser treatments will improve her to where she can go up the landing steps, as well. I didn’t raise her but I suspect the previous owners may have let her get too fractious while playing and she did damage to both ACL’s, one worse than the other.

Anyway, I have seen enough of the benefits of cold laser therapy with my own eyes that I would like to invest in a home cold laser unit, if I can afford one. Any thoughts as to recommendations and which ones to stay away from is greatly appreciated:)