Cold Laser

My vet suggested cold lasering for my dog and traveling to get him done at the vet’s twice a week is extremely time prohibitive. I’ve been thinking that having my own wouldn’t be a terrible idea with the way too many animals that I have lol. Does anyone have this specific cold laser?
Sport Innovations Cold Laser


I don’t know anyone with that one. But I know someone with the Gut X / 100X laser and someone with the Brandenburg laser and both are very happy with their respective units, which look comparable to the one you linked just by a quick glance.

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Vets have access to a higher grade one, so anything you can buy will be of a lower grade - not that they won’t still be effective, just won’t be the same quality as one at a vet clinic.

This is not exactly true. Lasers are classed: 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4.

3b lasers are wildly available and some vet clinics have them, depending on what they use the laser for. Most of the lasers mentioned in this thread are 3b.

Some clinics have class 4 lasers. Class 4 lasers are not unavailable to the general public. Pegasus is one that is readily available to the public. They are significantly more expensive than 3b lasers and there are more safety precautions to be taken when using a class 4 laser. It’s more laser than most people need or are comfortable using.


The laser my vet clinic has is also 3b
I wouldn’t mind taking him there except it’s over an hour away which means taking a 1/2 day off work twice a week for 4 weeks which isn’t possible right now

I have the 100x laser, and my vet said the application time needed is the biggest difference vs her $$$ laser. I can see my mare responding when I use it.