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Coldplay in a GP ride?

My niece and I were watching some videos last night, and she pulled up one by Coldplay. I said I had heard of them, but I had never heard them. And she said, ‘Yes you have. you showed me a video of a GP ride to Coldplay but I can’t remember who it was.’ I was stunned. I had no idea. Does anyone else know who that might be? This is probably a stupid question, but I am really curious. Anyone? Anyone?


Wish there was a video in the article. :frowning:


I found this but I don’t think this is it. I have never seen it.

Right now in the team freestyles in Wellington one team is using The Doors. I’ll get a link to the live stream in a sec. Here is the LS https://gdf.coth.com/article/2024-challenge-of-the-americas?fbclid=IwAR1PM9b-eMe7v0ltkoMFXPN8RBx5VS-o-6pxFinRZdQwNgmE7PaRvbLOXnA_aem_AdJjIv7sSJJcz8RfpRDgbbmIFevsfQsNjHPCQ55D2OrbC8kwTz7-gqezUnq5Jbq1htI

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Steffen Peters has had a variety of freestyles with Coldplay music in addition to Mopsie’s.

Ravel 1:https://youtu.be/utRiE0dycWY?si=BVZ8mrq7My-VMhIH
Ravel 2: https://youtu.be/r2pyfK_-kMc?si=-t54pNXWLya94TFY4
Legolas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-6_FLyUrxQ
Rosamunde: https://youtu.be/6jTiMz-FYks?si=_-vMC8LUdZN96gta


Do you think it was on Lottie Fry’s latest freestyle? She does keep it UK in her selection, and that’s about as UK as it gets

I know this isn’t what you’re looking for, but I think it’s worth reposting:
(apologies for some NSFW language)


A California rider named Sherry Van’t Riet used to have a black horse named Sudan. Her freestyle music was Jethro Tull. I wish there were videos!

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So much fun to watch!!

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One of my favorites! Who is the rider / horse ?

I got it from YouTube, maybe one of their clips has the info?

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Snoop Dogg is going to be a “special correspondent” for NBC at the Olympics this year. Let’s all cross our fingers that they send him to the equestrian events!


My favorite part of the video is when Snoop says “they fly the horses on Emirates and the athletes on Southwest? Mmm.”


I laughed harder at that they I should have .