Colon removal and working with horses?

I was diagnosed a bit over 2 years ago with Ulcerative Colitis. In those two years my disease has barely been controlled and surgery is my best option. The surgery would remove part of my colon and I would need to live on a bag for sometime.

My biggest concern is that I work on an animal sanctuary. The majority of our 500 equine are feral or have various behavioral/training/fear issues. They are hardly predictable. Being kicked at, bit at, and even been knocked to the ground is not out of the question. I’m worried about the bag, what if I were to get kicked in that area? Thrown to the group? Squished in a stall or pen? I always try to be as careful as possible but things happen.

Is there anyone whose been through this? I LOVE my job, I’m terrified I won’t be able to continue.

I hope things work out for the best for you! A family member of mine had a partial colectomy six years ago. He did not need a temporary colostomy but the recovery was definitely tough. You will really have to rest and let yourself heal. I am sure others will have ideas on the colostomy bag and how to protect it! But if you do surgery, be ready to take a break for a while and don’t push yourself. He ended up with adhesions and while I know there are many potential causes I suspect that if he had rested more in the post-op period, the adhesions might not be so bad.


Not much help - I knew a trainer who had a temporary colostomy and bag; she rode during that period. She was never the type to ride more than a couple horses in a day; she mostly taught riders. But that is much different than the horse situation you are in.
Dont know if there are any type protective vests that would come down low enough to cover the location but that might be worth looking into.
Search on line for other forums where people deal with these - perhaps can others in high activity or riskier jobs who have suggestions.
Good luck, hope all goes well.

How long is the “sometime”? Do you know?

Good suggestion on taking the time post surgery to let you heal, mentally and physically.

If there is a chance the colectomy can be revered, maybe do only lower risk jobs in the interim?

I won’t know for sure if it can be reconnected until they go in. Depends on the damage and if it will heal enough. It was suggested that I have the first surgery and then try for a child. Each abdominal surgery would decrease my ability to maintain a pregnancy.

I had a colon resection, and the surgeon didn’t use mesh over the inside of the incision. I may have lifted too much too soon–hay bales and feed bags–, and I ended up with an incisional hernia. So I have to go through having the incision opened up and reclosed with the same healing time (don’t believe them when they say six weeks is long enough if you are moving hay bales and feed bags.)

If you are facing multiple abdominal surgeries, you will also be facing multiple opportunities for hernias to form while you are doing normal barn work.

Honestly, I’d talk to the surgeon about the best way to prevent incisional hernias from barn work when multiple surgeries are probable.