Colorado Wildfires Evacuated Horses

Once again over 100 horses evacuated to The Ranch in Loveland, and once again the community has stepped up and lent their trailers for the evacuation effort. Big trailers of hay have arrived and people are bringing supplies, so much so that they say they are set and don’t need anything more at this time. :innocent: Horse people.

The Alexander Mountain fire is now 6,800 acres with 0 containment. There are two other wildfires burning as well. Firefighting resources are stretched thin.


We’re supposed to get very heavy smoke this evening. So far it hasn’t been a lot, but it’s scary how fast these fires spring up and spread. I should be used to it, with 25 years in Colorado and 22 in Southern California, but it’s always shocking.



The smoke is rough, and looks so evil. Happy that I still have good masks to wear outdoors.

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I’m going to need to keep my air conditioner running all night. I hate doing that when it cools off enough to be comfortable, but I need to keep that smoke out of my house as much as possible.

I rode my bike outside this morning when the smoke wasn’t bad. But I think I’ll need to ride the stationary bike inside tomorrow, between the smoke and how fast it’s supposed to heat up in the morning.

I need to be in Loveland tomorrow afternoon. I’m sure it will be smoky. I usually drive with car windows open and the fan just running outside air through the car, but that probably won’t be a good idea tomorrow. Oh, well, at least I won’t smell the one feedlot I have to pass.



Do you have masks? I’ve found them helpful.

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Yes, I have tons because of being on dialysis. I never leave my house without one in my pocket. When I go to the kidney clinic tomorrow, I will be masked. They dropped the mask requirement a couple of months ago, but I always wear one and ask anyone who comes near me for blood draws, etc. to wear one. If my car a/c doesn’t filter the smoke, I’ll wear my mask driving down there as well.

My husband sits out on our deck a lot, and I wish he wouldn’t when the air is this bad.



I have not stopped wearing masks in public since the beginning of COVID as my friend is immunocompromised and I am aware of the possibility of asymptomatic transmission. I’ve found the Flax KF 94 masks available on Amazon to be very comfortable.


I’ve continued to mask any time I have to be indoors/near other people. I’m immunocompromised. I haven’t had so much as a sniffle in years because I am super careful. I mostly spend time with my husband and my daughter, and sometimes her fiance, and all are very careful not to transmit anything to me. After they’ve been traveling, my daughter and her fiance stay away for a week or so to make sure they aren’t incubating anything. Luckily, viruses can’t be transmitted over the phone.

I use surgical masks because I always have a huge supply of them that come with my dialysis supplies. I mask to set up, connect and disconnect. DH saw a statistic that a large number of peritonitis cases for people on peritoneal dialysis were from bacteria from the patient’s own mouth. Yeah, I’m always gonna mask.





My friend is on hemodialysis, so I get it.

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