Colostomy and riding

Just wondering if there are any other COTHers that ride with a colostomy? I am sure I am not the only one, but dealing with my nurse/supply company, you would think so? :frowning:

At first I was having no problems with current flange/paste/seals combo. But with warmer weather/hernia wrap and finally allowed to get back into jumping–I am going thru flanges.

What is anyone else using—ideas?

Nurse in surgery here:

Talk to a local wound care specialist. If other Cother’s dont’ have great ideas, I am sure that WCS would be able to help you. Other athletes should be able to help you…find an on-line Ostomy site and you should have some answers/ideas there…

No experience here…but good luck!

Thanks–I found an online site and only one answer. :eek: I must be the only rider with this.

I have talked with a wound nurse and have contacted my supply company. They are sending me another sample to try.

Try This site has some GREAT information and an active bulletin board. I don’t know any specific supplies to recommend but I can ask a friend and let you know if he has any ideas. He’s considering doing irrigation to try and keep a more predictable pattern. Maybe that would be a thought for you too. There’s good info on this site for that too. Good luck!

I have a VERY dear friend who had cancer and has a colostomy.

She is doing fabulously. And while she is doing upper level dressage vs. jumping–I can’t think that a big passage is much less demanding of the equipment than jumping! :eek: :wink:

I would be more than happy to hook you up with her, I know she’d be more than willing to pass on anything she has learned.

email me at pintopiaffe at aol dot com and I’ll send an intro. :wink:

You would be really surprised how many people have one. My mom had her surgery a few years ago and just recently had it reconstructed and had to switch the side it was on. My dad is a m.d. and both my parents said no problem you could ride with one. I know a few people on the circuit that have one and have not reported a problem. Best of luck!

Have had an ileostomy for about 5 years now.Have been doing limited riding but have recently started lessons and sent my young one off for training!
Jumping(no larger than 2’3" hasn’t been an issue.Would love to chat with you as I have no one to question either!I joined COTH as I had read another thread about Crohns patients but nobody with ostomies.Nice to know we are not alone!!