Coming back from a broken leg... What expect?

Amastrike - I do have pics, but they are quite gnarly… I’ll see if I can figure out how to upload them somewhere, for those curious haha! My horse is also a saint, so I expect he’ll be ok with the scooter. I’m going to see him tomorrow finally and hoping I can actually groom him now that I have the scooter. Totally agree about the removable cast! It’s been so, so nice to get some air on my leg.

IFG - thanks! I really should look into the BOT blanket. I wore my knee brace last night (looks like I have some soft tissue damage to my knee as well), but the compression was a bit much for now, and push some fluid down into my foot. My knee feels better for wearing it, but the extra swelling is not great. I suppose I could wrap myself in Hugo’s mesh sheet LOL!
I had 3 incisions - one on top, one to the side, and a microscopic one.

The BOT blanket rocks. I am quite sure that the small incision was for a camera. I had one of those on top of my knee cap, but I have managed to block it out.

Should also add. My horse lives at home, so I was happy just to look out the window and see him, and to give him a carrot at the gate.

How long did swelling last after surgery, for those that had it? I’m about 3 and a half weeks post-surgery, and still have this hard swelling around the ankle joint. Wouldn’t particularly concern me, except that it’s very hard - not a fluid type swelling.

Not unusual from my experience. I would ask my surgeon or PT at follow-up though.

Because I broke my ankle at Christmas and we had no indoor timing became a non-issue. Ice, snow and lousy winter weather bought me time. I had shredded all that soft tissue 15 years ago too so that heel has always been my albatross, scarring prevented any further stretching

Cowgirl, good for you not going home! I now know that I also have some PTSD from my accident… it took just the right horse to help me over it, but then the “next” horse was all wrong - but I believed his problems were all my fault - finally get the really right horse and now I am much sounder of mind and emotion while riding.

The fatigue is probably from the anxiety.

And don’t be surprised if the fear raises its ugly head somewhere down the road in some unexpected circumstance. Happened to me a few months ago… just out of the blue, but it was gone the next day… a “horse whisperer” who was there told me I was channeling the nerves my horse felt because the other horse in the arena was nervous… Ludie picked it up and I felt it even though I certainly did not feel his nerves. Just my own, LOL

Terrific Cowgirl! I am 61/2 weeks post hardware removal, and I cannot believe that I waited 2 1/2 years to get it done. The relief is amazing. I am starting to walk normally for the first time since my accident. I got back on my old guy. He is semi-retired, but serves this purpose perfectly. I am going to start lessons on school horses before horse shopping. I biked 9.5 miles yesterday and feel great today :)!

For those of us who needed the hardware out, the relief is fantastic. That said, I still have the pins in my ankle from the first time I broke it and those have never bothered me.

I just entered another show. :smiley:

I have developed a weird callous on the bottom of my foot about an inch and a half below my pinkie toe. I saw my internist about it, but she is referring me back to the orthopedic surgeon and thinks that I now need orthotics made. So just when you think you are 100%, stuff like this can happen. I am very even in the saddle now though.

Welcome to the orthotic club! Have worn them for years. Totally worth it.

Congratulations on entering another show, and good luck!

Orthotics are amazing. I went to a podiatrist to get them because when I was on my feet for more than 30-45 minutes, my lower back hurt so badly I couldn’t take a deep breath. Orthotics sorted out the unevenness from the broken leg and solved 95% of the problem.

All these stories about the hardware removal make be wonder if that will be in my future - I guess that will be something I deal with down the road!

An update on me, for those interested - I had my second appointment since surgery today and got new x-rays. It was the first time I’d seen them post-surgery as well. I have 2 plates and what looked like 8 screws in the tibula, and they left the fibula without, so it’s healing on its own. I’m just over 6 weeks post-surgery, so have a couple more weeks non-weight bearing to go. Was told I could start physio for range of motion in a week, and start weight bearing August 1. I’m a bit disappointed I’ve got some more non-weight bearing to go, but to be expected I suppose.

I should be able to start swimming within a week as well.

They mentioned being able to sleep without my aircast, and while I’m really excited to do so, I’m a bit nervous too, especially knowing nothing is holding my fibula together haha! Did anyone else start sleeping without their cast at around this time?

Good to know! I now have an appointment with a podiatrist in two weeks. :smiley:

I also had chiropractic adjustments because my hip that I fell on was out after my accident. That helped a lot too.

eh-eq: I didn’t have an air cast for this surgery; first I had a splint (which was MISERABLE) until the stitches came out and then I had a walking boot (even before I was able to walk on it), which I took off at night. I never had any problems sleeping without the walking boot. I had about the same amount of hardware as you have.

I was totally scared to sleep without the knee cage, but they explained that I had screws and plated holding my leg together. I also kept it up on pillows to avoid my husband rolling over on it or something. We did banish the dogs from the bed while I healed :(.

Cowgirl - I think the aircast and the walking boot might be the same thing - I can walk with mine once I get to that stage (big clunky thing that you velcro on and off). Probably just the brand of walking boot I have. Good to know you never had trouble sleeping without it. I’m sure the psychological part will disappear after a few nights.

IFG - I was also super nervous the first night! I tried it, but kept waking up and eventually put the cast back on. Last night, I did what any crazy horse person would do, and essentially made a standing wrap on my leg with my horse’s standing wraps LOL! I tried with a tensor bandage, but we didn’t have one long enough. It offered it a little extra support and pillowing, so I wasn’t as scared of movement and was a lot lighter than the cast. Got one of the best sleeps I’ve had since surgery haha!! I’ve also been keeping mine up on a pillow overnight. I haven’t kicked the cat out of bed yet, but she has been incredibly careful of my leg since it happened.

eh-equestrian: I bet it is the same thing–mine did have an airpump in it to inflate some compression. I slept on my back with pillows under my legs and you can pack some pillows around your leg if you are afraid of moving.

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Cowgirl - that sounds exactly like mine then. I haven’t used the air portion yet, but expect I will when I start putting weight on it.

I so hate sleeping on my back haha! The past 2 months have been awful for that. I’m getting over the worry of sleeping without the cast. I pillow my leg with my horses standing wraps hehe! It works wonders!

Another little update - I’m able to start weight bearing now! My surgeon didn’t really give me any guidelines, so my PT just has me doing weight bearing as tolerated. I’m not exactly sure how much I can tolerate yet. Finding the psychological barriers the hardest to banish.

About how long did you guys go from starting to weight bear with crutches to full weight bearing (in a boot)? I’m expecting to be stuck in the boot until my next surgeon appointment at the end of August.

I just did a little at a time in the house. I think I was full weight bearing with the boot in about a month or so.

I did see a podiatrist this week and now have an MRI scheduled for Monday (we didn’t do an MRI with the original injury because my leg was so obviously broken). It seems I have a very unhealthy peroneal tendon. She thinks that they missed it in the original injury but it looked serious to her after 9 X-rays and ultrasounds. So I have the MRI then another appointment a week from Friday to discuss the damage. Meanwhile, I am back in a boot or aircast stirrup splint to avoid twisting. She said the PT I got for the broken bone would not have been good for the ruptured tendon…(which is what she thinks it is). So I am at a show this weekend wearing a splint.

If you didn’t have an MRI with the original injury, I would insist on one to rule out tendon damage. Because I had two surgeries, I wasn’t sure that the feeling I had on the outside of my leg wasn’t normal healing until I started developing the weird callous and noticed my foot sort of bulging to the outside. Wish I didn’t let it get to that point. So my options may be: (1) boot for a period of time and then orthotics; (2) cast for a period of time, then boot, then orthotics; (3) reconstructive surgery, then boot, then orthotics…:frowning:

Oh yikes Cowgirl!! That sounds awful. They did give me a CT scan the first day, so I’m hoping they ruled out major soft tissue damage at that time. I’ll keep an eye out for anything that starts seeming abnormal though. I’m sorry you’re going through another bout of what sounds like a long recovery :frowning:

I did injure my MCL & miniscus in my knee on that leg, but it’s slowly…slowly…been improving.