Coming back from a broken leg... What expect?

At least they know about your knee! The ankle feels better since I’ve been back in the boot. I have my followup appointment now on Wednesday. They did give me a dvd of the images, but I hardly know what I am looking at! I hope that I don’t need anything more than a protracted period in a boot or aircast. I also did better at this last horse show–pretty much over my show fear, but need to ride better and all issues were from the horse (who needs more hard feed–I realized I am still feeding her the amount she had on stall rest–no wonder she is lethargic!).

Ok so now I am set for surgery #3 (this on my peroneal tendon, where I have a 5cm split). :frowning: and I get to start this process all over again: non weight bearing for 6-8 weeks with a splint then a cast, then the cam boot and physicial therapy.

@Cowgirl Oh no! That is awful! It’s horrible that you basically have to start all over again. :frowning: I do not envy you at all…it’s such an ordeal.

I’m 17 days into the weight bearing phase. It feels like it’s going slower than I want… but I’m getting pretty good about using only one crutch when I have the boot on. Still need 2 when I don’t have the boot on. I am hoping to be cleared to go without the boot at my next appointment in a week, but I’m thinking I may still need the boot for walking for awhile sadly. Really hoping I can start to drive again in September as well…

Get yourself a brace to help wean off the boot. I got a Back on Track one. I also have an AirCast stirrup ($35 on Amazon). I made an appointment for a second opinion with the original orthopedic surgeon. I don’t think it will change the outcome regarding the need for surgery, but perhaps she won’t have me in a cast for six weeks (I did not have a cast the first time, just a backslap splint and the boot). I can’t believe I have to start all over again. I was getting so close to getting my groove back. :frowning:

Cowgirl - It really is such a bummer you are back to square one :frowning: I hope you end up having a speedy recovery time. I’ve never heard of the AirCast stirrup - I’ll look it up. I have the BOT ankle brace, which definitely helps. I notice a big difference in my range of motion with it on. The BOT knee brace has been a lifesaver for my knee as well.

Update on me: I had another appointment with the surgeon yesterday and was cleared to wean off the boot and crutches - basically as soon as I am comfortable to do so. I’m thrilled, but think it will take me a bit of time to ditch the crutches completely. I’ve been doing yoga every day again, which has been helping immensely. My foot is getting more flexible (I found the worst pain when walking was in my foot and toes…they lost all flexibility and were so tight). Hoping things start to get easier everyday. Also cleared to get back to driving slowly and riding as well (but let’s be real…I’ve already been riding since I was told I could partially bear-weight LOL! Hugo is rehabbing too, so it’s just walk trot).

I made the mistake of doing too much a couple of days ago, and I’m paying for it now. I need to find the balance between pushing myself to strengthen, but not overdo it.

Crossing my fingers you don’t need a cast for 6 more weeks Cowgirl! Good luck!

Thank you! My appointment for a second opinion is this coming Friday. Meanwhile I have been packing it in with a clinic this past weekend with an Olympian, a clinic next weekend, then two shows. I am finding the weakness and instability in my left ankle (the reason I went back to a doctor) is preventing me from riding to the level I rode to before my injury, so I need to get it taken care of.

The balance between pushing and overdoing is very hard to find. I always pushed too hard, it seemed. Good to have a massage therapist on speed dial (yes, they will do a therapeutic massage just on that foot and ankle) and I really enjoyed epsom foot soaks during this time…Walmart sells gigantic bags of epsom salts. :slight_smile: