Coming Back to Riding After Ankle Crush Injury

Hi everyone!

About a month ago (November 4th), I was riding while away at school and the horse accidentally tripped, I fell and in the process, the horse accidentally stepped directly on the inside of my left ankle as I was hitting the ground. Foot wouldn’t stop shaking and I couldn’t stop crying like a baby so the BO took me to the ER (bless her soul), they did an X ray and a CT scan and there was no fracture even though it was purple and the size of a soft ball for about a week. Walked with a medical boot for half a week and have been walking with an ace bandage wrapped in a figure 8 around my ankle since, in addition for the first few weeks, I did 12 advil a day (prescribed by the ER) and iced it whenever I got a chance. Two weeks after the fall I went home for Thanksgiving break and rode for a week, couldn’t quite sink weight into my left heel but I was able to safely ride a 3’ course after being home for a week. Came back to school and started riding the mare about twice a week again, but I’m still not able to sink much weight into that left heel which worries me. I also have to be careful going up and down stairs, if I push off too hard going up stairs or flex it too much while going down stairs, it hurts like a you-know-what. Still taking advil whenever I can but I’m in the throes of final exams/music juries so I don’t always remember.

I haven’t been able to find a single other person with this kind of injury from searching on Google, so I was wondering if anyone else on here has had something similar happen to them, and how long it took to fully heal? I’m hoping to do a 2’9-3’ jumper show in the middle of January before I go back to school and if it’s not fully healed by then, I’d rather not risk it- I don’t notice the pain as much when I’m jumping so I’d rather not accidentally mess it up really bad during a rollback or something :frowning:

Find yourself a good ortho ASAP. A few days in a boot is not long enough for your foot to actually heal, and it sounds like you did a job on it.

If you broke it, easy peasy heal. Soft tissue damage takes as long or longer to heal than a break.

I walked on grade 2/3 ankle sprain for a month before I figured it out. Not a good idea.

red mares, thank you for your response! Yeah, the ER people told me that walking on it ASAP (with the bandage) was how it would heal fastest- at the same time, they also forgot about me and left me sitting in my room for two hours before my x ray with no check-ins and no TV, lol. I’ll ask my parents about an ortho and also get another opinion at the campus health building on Monday before I leave- I mean it’s “free”, so why not I guess.

P.S. I think your name is hilarious because I actually fell off a red mare when this happened:D still love her to bits though