my 2006 warmblood was diagnosed last week as neurological. i was expecting arthritis or similar requiring injections but not career ending, so this has taken me by surprise and i’m having a bit of trouble processing it.
in hind sight though, it does make sense. His symptoms:
- neck break at C3 and C4 (x-rays of it) when he was young, details unknown but was started at some point then left unridden from age 7-15
- at 15 a dressage trainer purchased him, put 3 months on him and i bought him to be a low level dressage/pleasure horse
- we’ve run into a lot of challenges, such as ulcers for many months, complete change in riding approach stopped that but have still never gotten past basic w/t in connection, canter varying degrees of unbalanced, despite being in 2+ lessons per week. he often seemed moody/resistant under saddle unless loose rein, safe to ride but required lots of tact to get him to use himself and hard to sustain
- challenging to build muscle. never got a solid topline on him despite riding 5 days/week over 3 years
These symptoms really escalated in the last 4 months.
- started dragging his toes, thought it might be arthritis so put him on previcox, 2 months later and his toes are so worn down its impacting his balance, needs hind shoes even if unridden
- muscle wasting: he has 0 muscle along his back and hind end now. his spine is like a shark fin despite being a healthy weight and getting appropriate supplements. my saddle fits completely different now vs even 6 months ago.
- no longer lays down at all, and will only roll on a slope in his paddock, presumably to make it easier to get up.
- i’ve seen him fall down multiple times, sometimes twice in a day, while dozing in his paddock. has been getting cuts along his front legs i couldn’t figure out until seeing that
- hind legs tripping out while riding, probably once every other ride
- canter has gone backwards, struggling to hold lead, picking up the wrong lead, wanting to ‘trot run’ into canter (totally new), and hard to get him moving smoothly and balanced vs almost hopping in the canter
So all that led to having the vet out. I was expecting arthritis or such, but vet was 100% its neurological and will continue to get worse, and be a quality of life matter.
I guess my question, and what i’m struggling to come to terms with, is do i stop riding him? Stop lessons and trying to work in a frame with expectations etc yes absolutely stopping that. but loose rein, w/t work?
The vet said riding on trails and uneven surfaces is a hard no, stop that right away (we did trails weekly prior to). but that for ring work its based on my own risk tolerance. He will be a fall risk but unknown when.
Speaking to my trainer today, its decided no more lessons with him, and as i’m pregnant she also thought i should stop riding him at all.
saying that, it does seem obvious i need to stop and just let him be a happy pasture puff for as long as he’s content doing so.
I guess i know the answer, but would appreciate hearing from others who had to stop riding their horse, how you came to terms with it. just anything i suppose to help feel ok with this and not like im just giving up.