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Comments on posts of "lovely horses"

EDITED: Obviously I did not mean why we dont COMMENT. I just wondered if any of us have the THOUGHTS, and frankly wonder why folks gush so much when I see noting to gush about.

Am I the only one? I see an ad for a “lovely” horse - young, old, whatever. I look at the picture and maybe watch the video. All the comments are “lovely!” “super girl!” whatever. All I can think is “Butt high”, “Straight hind leg”, “why arent you showing any walk?”…? Surely I cant be the only one with these thoughts on so many horse posts…?


Because we just STFU in those situations :slight_smile:

I get FB posts for a farm selling the culls from feral bands on Indian band land. A culled yearling wildie is about the most fugly little thing you ever saw and the photography is unflattering because they can’t be stood up square, aren’t even halter broke.

They may grow up to be functional using horses of grade stock horse type. I feel it would be churlish in the extreme to intrude reality into the ooos and awes of “so beautiful!”


True but :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I needed that.


Exactly. Who cares? Different horses have different purposes to different folks and unless a horse 100% lame or being abused, it’s certainly not my place to interfere with someone’s sale ad.


Ha, I’m always looking at lower leg conformation. “Lovely horse” but with those near vertical pasterns it probably isn’t going to hold up to any actual work. Or the opposite case where the fetlocks are so low it looks headed for DSLD as a yearling. But no, I don’t comment. I just keep my checkbook in my pocket and move on.


For the same reason we don’t express our honest opinion of our friend’s newborn baby? “He’s adorable!” or “She’s perfect!” sounds much better than their more honest translations: “I’m sure you love him even though he looks like grandpa when he’s all stopped up after burger night” or “well, she has all her fingers and toes even though she looks like a Troll doll the dog chewed up.” Manners, it’s all about manners.

Privately, if it was a friend, I would send them my honest opinion…

…of the horse, not the baby!


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
What wise sage said that?
I think most people just see a horse and want to say something nice because horses make them happy.


Yasss this! my first thought…nothing like what i think when i see babies, ESPECIALLY newborns swaddled up and in the hospital. Oh, and a friend of mine breeds Sphynx cats…EEEEeeeekkkkKKK.

Compared to those hairless kittens and newborn babies ANY horse is beautiful to me.


No horse is perfect, and some of the most imperfect ones (conformationally speaking) turn out to be some of the “loveliest” horses for someone. I’ve known and owned plenty of these animals. They have plenty of flaws, but I wouldn’t have traded them for anything because they had fantastic minds, were totally sweet and trustworthy, and were part of the family.

Granted, I wasn’t trying to sell these horses, and I didn’t really give a rat’s behind what anyone else thought of their conformation, but the reason I don’t pick apart less-than-perfect horses is because I know there is more to a horse than a picture or video might be able to show.

Two of my last three horses were bought as newborns and one of them as a neglected yearling. There was no way for me to know exactly what I was going to wind up with in terms of conformation. But the mind was there from the beginning, and they all turned out to be wonderful partners. Some might even say…“lovely horses.”


I absolutely look at horses in sales ads and online and evaluate their conformation and videos critically. It’s useful for your eye. I also look critically at horses IRL including my own. If someone asks for a conformation critique online or IRL, or asks for advice about a horse they want to buy, I will certainly give my opinion.

I just don’t go around giving my opinion unsolicited on sale ads. It’s not the place for it.


“that is the cutest outfit!” is my standby.


FOLKS I DID NOT SUGGEST WE SHOULD COMMENT!! Just wondered if others had the same thoughts of why in the world there is all the gushing. Id NEVER comment something negative…

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I just always assume the gushing is 25 % friendly support (I’ve ridden that horse and he’s a total doll) and 75% happy ignorance. I’ve never seen a horse person I respect gushing over a fugly horse in a way that makes me question their judgement (unless they are marketing it of course and then all bets are off).

Gushing also can work to keep bouncing the post in the FB algorithm especially in groups.

Lots of folks follow sales and rescue sites to window shop and are still at that sweet state where all horses are beautiful. There are worse things than being emotionslly 11 years old. Just get good advice before you buy.

Let’s not get stated on how ugly many dogs are.


For me, it was always “how precious!”


Did you ever see the “breathtaking baby” episode of Seinfeld? That was my immediate thought! :joy:


people are gullible …oh that ugly puppy never liked anyone but YOU … they take the ugly puppy and are happy eve-rafter

i have a formerly ugly puppy sleeping right here by my side … everyone agreed that he was fugly as sin. But now, he is beautiful.


My Mother told me ad nauseum " If you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all". Yes there are some fugly horses out there for sale. You should hear my comments. I share them with my cat but they do not appear in print anywhere. Not everything should appear on the internet. If the owner should want me to comment then they would let me know and that hasn’t happened yet.


I am actively repulsed by human young. We are like big headed naked birds. Gross


Friesians and Gypsy horses – particularly with all the hair flying. Not saying individuals can’t be wonderful, but they aren’t “my” type and it seems like all of my “non horse” friends think they are the most gorgeous things ever. I let them gush and say nothing.