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Concussion recovery program - starting next week

I start with a Concussion Recovery program with the “Brain Care Centre” on Thursday. Designed for people with long term symptoms.

Weekly topics for 8 weeks, and then 9 months of support as needed.

I am not sure what to expect. I am not doing well.

Week one is Concussion basics and sensory issues. I definitely have sound sensitivity. Not sure about lights. Hoping the touch on the different “hearing aids” that help with tinnitus and dulling sounds.


I hope it helps! Your injuries have not been kind to you.



Wow, that sounds like a great program. Please do report back on your experience.

FWIW, I saw a new neurologist about my post-concussion symptoms recently. She took an entirely different view of my symptoms than my previous neurologist had and is taking a much more holistic approach to treatment. Happy to PM more if you are interested.