Connemara Jumper Ponies in the USA

Hey everyone!

I’ve been seriously considering purchasing a pony to do the jumpers with. I tend to enjoy riding smaller horses as I am only 5’4 and thin so I think that a large pony would be ideal. I’ve done some research and I think that I am most interested in the Connemara breed. I’d like to find something that has a family history of good movement and higher jumping potential (1.10m) in it’s lineage.

What names/lines should I look for when looking at lineage? I’m looking for something between the 2-4yrs as I would like to do most of the training myself. I’m not looking to import so what are some lines in the USA that I should look for?

Are you ready to purchase now? I know of a gelding who fits this description who I was considering myself, but I’m 90% sure I’m going to try something further along in training.

Not at this exact moment but I’d say in the next 3-8 months I will be. I’m trying to do my homework and research ahead of time so that I know what I’m looking for and don’t waste anyone’s time.