has anyone seen the amount of ND blood behind Classic empire? Coincidence? maybe not?
XCountrygirl; if you think the subpar farriers are working on the likes of these graded stakes horses; that is far from the case. I have had several claimers that came off of subpar tracks with excellent shoe jobs on them and excellent feet and even my farrier complimented the lovely work. Yes, there are some horrible farriers working on these lower level tracks but they certainly are not the farriers entrusted with the high caliber horses who keep having soundness issues
the thin hoof walls of TB’s is both genetic and a result of the environment they are raised in. Always living and working on cushy surfaces combined with baths daily (wet to dry constantly) do not help build healthy, hardy feet. With that being said I have an old claimer out back right now who’s been barefoot since he left the track; lives outside 90% of the time; rock solid feet; no cracks.