Contact Info for Charles Town Track Photog in 2012

I’d love to get a print of my horse’s winner’s circle photo from her only win. The race was in March of 2012 at Charles Town Races. I contacted the track, and the current photographer was not there in 2012, and couldn’t offer much help on who was.

Anybody here familiar enough with the track to remember the photographer in 2012, and possible any contact info for them? Thanks!

I know for a fact his name was Mike Montgomery, but I have no idea where he is now. I found a couple photographers with the same name on google, but none showed any indication as a past life as a track photographer.

Currently they use Coady Photography, right?

Thanks-a name is more than I had before! And yeah, Coady is who currently covers the track.

I assume the track photographer is the only way to get a copy of the photo since they are the ones who own the pics right?

Thanks-a name is more than I had before! And yeah, Coady is who currently covers the track.

I assume the track photographer is the only way to get a copy of the photo since they are the ones who own the pics right?[/QUOTE]

Correct, unless the old owner/trainer has a copy they’re willing to part with.

Since the track photographer works for the track, I would assume that the track owns the photos.

Since the track photographer works for the track, I would assume that the track owns the photos.[/QUOTE]

Nope. They are contracted by the track but the photographers own their own work.

I’ve already tried to get some win pics from several years ago at Charles Town and was told that I would probably not have any luck, and they do not keep the photos on file at the track.

If OP manages to get in touch with the photographer and get a copy I’d be very interested as there’s something I would like to get as well.

I ordered photos from Mike Montgomery not but a few years ago, but I got in touch with him by phone via the Charles Town racing office. I don’t have a personal number or email for him. I looked on the back of the few photos to see if there was contact info, but found nothing. I even don’t have the original packaging the photos came in since it’s been so long.

And Caffeinated is correct, photos are indeed the property of the photographer. You always have to go through the photographer, unless on the off chance an old connection has one that they are willing to part with.

The return address I have from three years ago is:

Mike Montgomery
Faulkner Avenue
Martinsburg, WV 25401

He listed no street number on his return address, but Switchboard shows Michael C. Montgomery at 666 (!) Faulkner Ave.

I gave him the date, race number what I remember as a very reasonable fee. The photos came promptly and were great: 8 X 10" color glossy, the top half the “win” photo under the wire – day or night, this being Charles Town – and the bottom half the winner’s circle shot.

Has anyone been able to get a phone number or email from him recently? I am trying to get win photos of my mare that I lost in August and I was told to contact him but that they did not know his contact information.

Sorry to hear the loss of your mare, and unfortunately I never had any luck finding him. I googled the address Pallas gave, and found a company called West Virginia Hoof Prints, Inc, with a phone number (304-260-9094), but the number is disconnected.

The only thing I haven’t tried is mailing something to the physical address. I’m guessing they closed up shop, but maybe it will be forwarded? Worth a try.

Huh. Well, the house hasn’t sold since 1979, so it might be worth sending a letter there:

It looks like this might be his ex wife, if you’re really desperate:


Oh, hey–this might be worthwhile. Domain name registered to that physical address. Email AND phone attached to it:

[URL=“”] links to this FB page:

And there are albums there that look like she might have some ins at Charlestown. Mike’s daughter, maybe?

Color me impressed Simkie! And here I was thinking the trail had gone cold. I’ll send a letter today and message the facebook account to see if she has any contact info.

Might want to send an email as well :slight_smile: I know I never check my “other” box on FB, and that’s likely where your note would wind up.

Wow, thanks so much I will try all of the above!

Any luck?? I also have some old win pics I’d love to get my hands on :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=Lawn Ornament;7916028]
Any luck?? I also have some old win pics I’d love to get my hands on :)[/QUOTE]

None for me sadly :no:

Bummer, thanks for responding though. take care!

Bumping this up to see if anyone has any new/additional info?

The TB I just bought won his only race in 2012 and would love a copy of his win photo.

I ended up getting a copy of my mare’s picture from her previous owner. The picture has a website listed:

The site is still live, and has an email address for people looking for photos:

No clue if the email still works or not, but might be worth a try. Good luck!

Bumping to add that I was able to get my horse’s photo from 2012 from by emailing her my horse’s name and race info. She responded right away.