contacting COTH

I have to say, I find this site one of the more difficult to navigate. I am assuming that things are not being hidden intentionally, but sometimes I wonder.

I would like to send a comment to the editor. I have clicked on literally EVERY tab, top and bottom and cannot find a contact email ANYWHERE. Yes, there are tabs for a lost issue, tabs to subscribe etc, BUT NOT A SINGLE WAY TO JUST CONTACT THE MAGAZINE. Although I have eventually found it in the past, I couldn’t even find the mailing address or phone number anywhere…

I tried searching for Letter to the Editor, and did get that to come up, but when I clicked on one of the them, thinking maybe there would be a comment or reply link there, I got ACCESS DENIED…

Please enlighten me…

One more note. I find that the best way to test a site is to have someone that has NEVER been on the site before try to find relatively simple things. Like the contact information. Obviously, COTH has skipped this step.

Kind of like when I design a marathon course. We get in a golf cart with the person driving that has never seen it. I don’t say a word. If they stop anywhere and are not sure, or if they make a wrong turn, I fix it.

You need to do the same. I don’t even try to do anything new on this site because it’s always just an exercise in frustration.

Here’s a link to the “Contact Us” form from the bottom of the main page:

You can select “Letters to the Editor” from the drop-down menu.

For those wondering, there’s also a “Contact Us” link at the bottom of the Forums for forum-specific issues.

I’ll be sure the website administrator for the main site sees your comments here re: navigation of the site.

Thanks for your input and interest!
Mod 1

I do now see the contact at the bottom, but to be honest, I had never read what was in the printing there as it appears to me to not be a part of the site at all, being buried in the border in a color of print that does not stand out, I assumed it was the fine print that said who designed the site or something.

I did go back again, after reading your message and for at least the 3rd time tried every drop down window, and I still don’t see Letters to the Editor under any of them.

Where are you finding it?

Under the link I posted before for the “Contact Us” form, there’s a drop-down menu under “Category” for the query–Letters to the Editor is the second last choice on the list.

Alternatively, the regular mailing address for the magazine is also listed there, if you (or anyone reading this thread) ever wants to send in a hard copy Letter to the Editor.

The Chronicle of the Horse
PO Box 46
Middleburg, VA 20118

I sent a link to this thread to the webmaster of the main site so she would be sure to see your comments re: the navigation of the site.

Mod 1

I work for a company that builds websites, and we always have that link say “Contact Us” - the one in the COTH footer just says “Contact.” A simple fix that might make it clearer for everyone…