Anyone know where he is these days???
Ah what a lovely stallion he was at his 100 day testing. Everyone’s favorite. Then he dropped off the face of the earth it seemed. The last I heard of him was in Oct 2012 in this article
A friend of mine tried to get a breeding to him some years ago. The owner talked on the phone for over an hour but no paperwork or contract ever appeared - then he seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Very disappointing. He seemed really nice.
USEF shows this for Contigo M -
Owner Information
Owner ID:4019739
Farm Owner Information
I don’t know how current this info is. If he has been sold on, he has either been re-registered with USEF under a different name, or not registered at all.
I heard he got caught up in a divorce settlement?
Old thread but if anyone is curious, I’m in San Diego for the holidays and I just met him today. A friend from junior high school has him on a long term lease from his owner (same owner as listed above I think, the woman.) He’s very handsome and friendly, and looks fabulous especially for a 22 year old horse. And still breeding though I have no idea who to contact about that, not my friend or anyone at the barn though. He’s still at the Art To Ride place. I didn’t get to see him under saddle because it was very muddy.
Oh that is great to know. Thank you.
Update: same friend still has Contigo M on a long term lease, and he just turned 28! They are at a different barn now, still North County San Diego area. I know she was still riding him as of last summer.
Please tell your friend to give him a hug for all his stallion testing friends who cheered him on. And I would love to get in touch with Cat Varrier, his owner. Perhaps your friend could give her my email and tell her I was the one she was hanging out with at the testing finals, Rebecca Pennington.
Bumping this thread: my friend posted to FB today. It is Contigo’s 30th birthday, and he looks great!
This is thrilling to hear! Go Contigo!
Hi everyone, I have some sad news. Contigo M was put down on Monday 9/11 due to the infirmities of old age. Kris had him for 11 years, and she was a stellar caretaker.