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Converting a western cinch to use with a dressage saddle

I wasn’t sure where to post this question. I recently switched to a dressage saddle from riding western. My horse was most happy with a mohair string cinch. The cinch is the right length to use on my dressage saddle. I’ve seen where you can convert a girth to western saddle rigging but not the other way around. Do they even exist?

Yes. Chick’s and Stateline used to sell them. Google girth converter.

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You can also buy a mohair girth - several endurance tack stores carry them, including Distance Depot. https://www.thedistancedepot.com/Best_Prices_on_Montana_Cincha_Mohair_Girths_s/62.htm


The roper style here is wider and seems more comfortable than the Montana Cincha version I tried, and the felt buckle backing creates less heat than the neoprene.


Have you seen these used with a dressage saddle? I have seen them for endurance. I wonder if the length between the buckles and the ring might be too long for a dressage saddle?

I haven’t. I would be concerned that it would be too bulky under the leg for me but it isn’t expensive so might be worth trying. I have a mohair dressage girth that I love but it wasn’t cheap


Made to your requirements; (I wouldn’t want all that “stuff” under the flap.)

This is the type (the wide ones) that I bought for my WB mare. My husband/coach prefers mohair type girths and I found these. They are very nice and fit my saddle with long billets just fine. I think they are very comfy for the horses.

They look good, too.