My winter plans have taken an unexpected turn and I’ve been hauling my gelding to my trainer’s for lessons. I did not clip him because he lives outside, runs cold, and I only have an outdoor so leaving him hairy seemed to make the most sense. Plus, I wasn’t expecting him to get as furry as he did this year.
At the end of our ride, I put two layers of coolers on him (thin fleece ones) and trailer him home. Sometimes I throw a BOT on top if it’s on the colder side. We are only 15 min away so he’s plenty warm even when it’s 30 degrees outside.
My challenge is getting his underside to dry. His back and anything covered by fleece is usually dry enough to blanket him when we get home, but basically his whole underside - between front legs, belly, between his hind legs, is still sweaty. I have been putting gold bond powder on those spots when I get home to help speed the process but it doesn’t seem to help that much plus he doesn’t like it. Maybe he doesn’t appreciate the menthol when it’s cold outside? (Eek!)
Any thoughts on how to improve the situation? I was thinking of trying to find a cooler with a belly band. Most of those wouldn’t do anything for the between the legs parts. Maybe this? It seems to have fuller coverage than anything else I’ve seen:
What say you, COTH?