Coping with bladder leaks

This is a new journey for me, having breathing issues, coughing, violently still trying to get a handle on it. For some reason I struggled for a while for some reason, then took the plunge and bought some Tena pads, what a revelation, why would I NOT want to be dry and comfortable!

While this maybe temporary, as age keeps making changes, maybe protection would be a good investment when riding, I have had a couple of small leaks.

I’m wondering what others use, especially if you are using Modibodi, or other washable option. The disposables are handy, but not very environmentally friendly.

Sorry to hear you are still under the weather. I personally use Poise pads. Don’t have to use them all the time (thankfully), but due to my MS, when a flare up occurs that affects control of my bladder when I sneeze or cough, I have to have something on hand, or I end up doing laundry daily.

I know they aren’t very environmentally friendly, but I can’t imagine a product that is washable and reusable that would absorb 8 hours worth of “oopses”. But maybe I’m just not informed properly on those products.


I have MS with the inevitable bladder problems.

I cannot drink coffee before my rides. Luckily the ladies where I ride let me have my ride/lesson in the morning, so I ride and then I gulp down my coffee when I get home. Since coffee is the main thing I use to relieve pain this means that I ride hurting (like my neck this morning) though the riding often loosens up the cramping muscles.

Recently I had to go from 5-6 cups of coffee every morning to 2 cups of coffee because I started leaking all the time, everywhere.

I use the Poise moderate pads (number 4) for riding because these pads seem a bit more absorbent. One time I tried to ride in a Depends diaper which was extremely uncomfortable, likewise with the Poise overnight pads.

I used menstrual pads sandwiched between a sacrificial pair of underwear and a clean and dry pair of underwear. And KY Jelly. The highly absorbent surface of the pads gave me the inverness problem, where the cotton panties were a little easier on me. I had no idea what Bodyglide was or might have tried it.

I finally graduated to poise #5 absorbency.

My MIL had a million washcloths and used those, but they stank to high heaven in the laundry basket, I tried to get her a closed trash can but they tended to mildew, she didn’t like the can height either, so I just closed the door to the laundry room any time we visited.

Sorry for TMI but you may find it useful.

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@ReSomething just talking about it is helpful! The laundry issue is one that has to be balanced against the use of paper products, I think I’m going to take some convincing here.

Inverness problem, had not considered, but figured some pads will be more comfortable than others

I don’t ride any more, but I do sometimes leak. I use the generic version of Poise pads, and they do fine for me. I don’t use them often, so I don’t worry about using something disposable. Sometimes it’s just a better option.


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For protection in case I have leaks, I recently started using period panties. I usually wear them for 5-6 hours at a stretch.

There are definitely differences between the brands. I shopped on Amazon and I like the Modibody as well as the Bambody underwear. These have the absorbency at the bottom of the panty only, without coverage going up the rear. If using them to sleep in during the time of menses, I can see the need for rear coverage. However, for riding, the lack of breathability due to a wider area of coverage was an issue. They became way too hot and sweaty. Look for panties with a leak proof lining only where a pantiliner would cover. Both of these brands are quite comfortable to wear and I don’t really feel a difference between these products and regular underwear.

Any of these panties need to be line dried only but can be machine washed. For some weird reason the Bambody panties take a long time to dry, so if you are only purchasing a few pair, keep that in mind.

I am hoping that in the hot summer, these will be more comfortable than using a pantiliner, which end up shifting if you get too sweaty.

I haven’t had any major accidents to test how leakproof they are, but they have held up to tiny leaks so far. I guess my major test will be the next time I school cross country-especially drop fences!


As long as we are talking about this: check to see if you have a bladder infection. I had one for years that came and went. Finally got it diagnosed. After about six months and four different antibiotics, it was finally killed off. It is entirely possible to have an occult infection that causes leaks.


Someone here mentioned that caffeine irritates the bladder, and I find it is true! Switching to decaf made a difference in the “urge.” Also I have read that wearing a tampon helps by tightening up tissues near urethra.

I see someone referenced the Inverness Problem thread. I think it’s a sticky in Coths favorites section.
(I always get sidelined by re-reading “my $700 pony” series when I go to Favorites.)

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An infection sent by vengeful ghosts? That’s all I need


I wanted to add that I went back and compared the Modibody to the Bambodi underwear.

It appears that the Bambody panties also have the leakproof coverage in the rear of the panties as well. I did remember them feeling a bit hotter during the warm days, but they were definitely not as hot as some of the other brands.

The Modibodi panties only have coverage in the bottom of the panty, which would make them a better choice for accident proof riding panties. I will try them out the next warmer day to compare. I didn’t have as many pairs of these panties so I guess that’s why I hadn’t tested them on warmer days.

As far as the smell issue, I think it is recommended to rinse them if they get leaked on in case you don’t get around to doing the laundry immediately.

Hope this helps.

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Update on the Modibodi panties:

I love these!! I wore them during the excessive heat wave last week and I have found them to be just as comfortable as regular panties and no hotter to wear during the heat.

I would highly recommend over pantiliners for leak protection.

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I use Poise pads.

I use the Poise Panty Liners and they seem to do the trick for me. I’m lucky that it’s only light leaks, but I do change it during the middle of the day just in case it needs it.

If you have stress urinary incontinence (from movement, sneezing, coughing, etc.), you might try looking into a good uro-gyn who can do a bulking injection. It is not permanent but many women gets years of relief from it. It basically helps the support the urethra which reduces leaking. It’s a quick outpatient thing. Maybe not the right choice for severe issues, but may be a solution for some.