Core Correction - ridden "horse yoga" for Kissing Spine - anyone tried it?

I came across this interesting article - I don’t have a horse with KS, but I know someone who does and I know there are a lot of knowledgeable folks here. Has anyone heard of this or tried it? The author seems to be getting good results - riding small tour and schooling GP with one mare with KS.

Visconte Simon Cocozza suggests a ridden method to strengthen your horse’s core muscles to improve gaits, engagement and alleviate Spinal Crowding Syndrome – otherwise known as Kissing Spine or Dorsal Spinous Process.

I read the article, and I think it looks promising. I did quite a bit of rehab on my horse w/ KS. Not exactly what he described, but lots of long and low. I think you would still need some medical intervention to get the horse to be able to do some of these exercises effectively.


My trainer does a lot of #1 and #2 already in our riding of all the horses. Sometimes I get annoyed he is always having us over bend to the inside and lots of shoulder in bends…I guess he made his point; working on getting the horse to stretch the side of their bodies (and for relaxation)!