Correct extended trot

Eh? Okay. (Emma backs away slowly) You don’t like my definition. (Emma continues to back away slowly). I’m not torn about it. (Emma throws a cookie and sprints away)

Emma should sprint away because Emma can’t do much but foist her opinion on someone else. It’s good that Emma runs away from this post. I’d like experienced riders to respond. Adults.


Except I’m not alone in my opinion. @lorilu said the same as me yet you targeted me.

Whatever homie. You do you. You seem angry and violent. Drink more tea.


And this response is exactly what I responded to. “Angry and violent”? “Drink more tea”? This is exactly the type of illogical response I expected of you.

Want to expand on how “angry and violent” I am? Or what kind of tea I should be drinking? Please, the board would like to know.


So this took a weird turn.

Can we not portray dressage riders as snobby and whack? :rofl:


You can’t defend what your said. It figures.

I’m “butt hurt”? So ignorant.


No no we can’t :joy: we have a poster who thinks third and fourth level is upper level dressage. I’m not entirely sure how to prove it’s not. Meh.

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Interesting. I’ve never heard that before. Usually I hear Training-Second described as basic dressage, Third-Fourth where “real” dressage begins, and then the FEI levels get divided into small tour and big tour.


it did take a weird turn as @anon29046226 feels the need to attack me because I don’t think like her and none of my trainers do, either. I suspect a) she doesn’t have much training in dressage or b) is a brat who thinks she knows everything about dressage based on the horses she rode.

I’m violent? Still waiting for @anon29046226 to explain that.


Are you 12 years old?


It seems to be a bit of a pattern with that poster, based on other threads.

I’ve never heard anyone define “upper level” the way you do, but unlike your friend Emma I can just agree to disagree with you without throwing childish insults out there.


In America, there has long been a distinction between “upper levels” and “FEI levels”. A German trainer who came in made the same distinction. It reflects the the American system versus the International system.

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To muddy it more, in the German system the equivalent of third level is considered medium to advanced and fourth level as advanced. Lots of horses top out at third level and I consider fourth level to be prep for the FEI levels. I don’t have a problem with J-Lu’s definition. Her trainers may have a different way of defining the levels.


Interesting. Have never heard that before. Generally it’s accepted around here that “upper level” = FEI level but that’s not a rule and there’s no reason people can’t define it however they want I guess. Certainly Third / Fourth is “uppermost level” for me since I doubt I’ll ever get any higher lol.


You attacked me, remember? This is very weird. Ummm, how am I “angry and violent” about disagreeing with you? Yes, it IS your opinion. How bizarre.


It’s ok to disagree without assuming that someone doesn’t have much training in dressage or calling them a brat who thinks they know everything based on the horses that they’ve ridden (?).

Not saying that poster is behaving admirably either, but you two just keep sinking down to each others level(s) :wink:

I mean, there have been undertones of snobbery throughout this entire thread, don’t get me wrong. Some useful bits, but some people seem to have something to prove and idk what that something is or why it matters, really.


So weird.

You are right and I apologize for my behavior. As someone who started their dressage career in the US and moved to the UK I find this posters opinions odd. I have never been taught what she has and it seemed to me as a gimmick to keep paying for lessons. I won’t name drop but I’m curious as to who told this person these things.

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Oh please! She attacked my definitions, she didn’t discuss them. I responded.


I think that you missed my point, but that’s alright.

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