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Cost of renting barn / home in ocala during WEC

Hi there!

What’s the average cost of renting a barn with 5-10 stalls, access to pasture, arena, and home on property during the WEC show season? Trying to understand what things go for, how the prices fluctuate and why, etc. Any and all info would be super helpful!

Join the Facebook group “Ocala Equestrian Community.” Lots of info on this subject.


Also ocala winter and seasonal stabling on Facebook. 5 stalls. 3/2 house. Probably minimum $5500. The further you go from WEC prices will get better. Places that haven’t been rented by now may be discounting, though.


Easily double that. Homes alone were listed for more than that.


I think you’re probably looking at $6-8K/month unless you’re ok with a trailer/mobile home or RV instead of a house. If you’re looking for a decent arena, you might be closer to 10k+/month.

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