Coth app?

I dont know technically what it entails, but some of the forums I visit are ‘app/mobile device’ friendly. It makes it easier to browse the forums on other sites thay are supported by whatever app…

Not that I mind reading plain ole Coth on my phone, but I do find myself intending to click one thing, but the slowness of tge processor or what have ye sometimes results in me clicking somewhere I didnt intend to!

Just windering what the chance for a ‘mobile’ site would be?

Sorry about the spelling errors! Another pain in the neck from this phone!

Don’t know if the powers that be know about these types of apps or not, but the best and easiest to install and easiest for members to use is called “Tappatalk.” I have it on my forums, and it’s on the computer tech forum that I help administrate on. The app is extremely easy to install on a forum software and has good customer support. It’s free to install, though members will have to pay a small app fee for it to use it on their mobile device. I have it on my iPod touch and it’s WELL worth the price ($2.99)! Once you have it on a mobile device, you can use it on as many forums as you like (that also have Tappatalk installed).

That is what we are hoping to use.

We’re long overdue for a software upgrade, and we’re currently looking at the options for continuing with vBulletin or going with another system…enabling a mobile app for the forums is one of the considerations in the equation!

Thanks for expressing your interest in the option–it’s been passed along to the powers-that-be. :slight_smile:

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