Has this happened to anybody else or just me?
For the past week, I’ll be on COTH, and suddenly, while I’m reading a page, it switches to something called Freeze.com, which looks like some sort of search engine site wanting to sell banners or something. While I haven’t clicked on anything on the page, it does seem to have the COTH name in a few of the labels. It doesn’t object to me simply backing out of the page and doesn’t try to “trap” me there.
This has ONLY happened to me on COTH in roughly the last week. Never on any other site of my multiple usuals. Happens on COTH 3-4 times a day.
I have a brand new computer, fresh from a motherboard meltdown of my old computer, have only had this one 2 weeks. Absolutely up to date on virus, spyware, everything. The computer shop combed out what data they could recover from the old one very thoroughly for all nasties and certified it clear, although the old computer didn’t die of a virus, just of old-age motherboard meltdown. I have run virus scan and spyware again just in case. Nothing.