COTH Trashed Knee + Ankle Brigade

Seems there are currently lots of members - just wanted to wish everyone all the best during surgeries and recoveries.

So true. I’m in the Brigade…here’s hoping everyone else’s recovery goes more quickly than mine! :eek:

I’ve had 20 surgeries on my left knee/leg/ankle, osteomyelitis (MRSA), broken femur - nonunion for more than a year, shattered tibia and fibula - nonunion for more than a year, no lateral meniscus, small chunk of medial meniscus remaining, no ACL, patella baja, grade IIIc osteoarthritis (Kellgren and Lawrence)…and plenty of bad luck! :lol: Do I qualify?

Count me in! My “bad” knee (w/ screws and pins and wires) is now my "good"knee since pulling my MCL. Ug.

Add me to the list. My TKR was rescheduled from 11/30/11 to 12/28/11 because I came down with a nasty upper respiratory virus a few days prior to the surgery and now I’m surrounded by family members who are fighting colds. UGH. Yesterday I smacked my bad knee right into the wheelbarrow handle “OUCH” and most days my “good” knee is hurting worse than the bad one. We’ve been having unseasonably nice sunny weather here in northern California and frankly I’m considering postponing the whole mess until spring. Cept then I’ll be rehabbing in the spring/summer and maybe that’s not such a good thing? I dunno I’m just tired of all of it :frowning:

I’m in. Have had a plethora of knee surgeries on both knees and am now trying to figure out the “best” time to schedule a TKR. I really just can’t seem to find the right time to get it i.e there really isn’t a good time and I am being a huge wuss! :slight_smile:

I’m in. I slipped last weekend and twisted my right knee. It’s been off all week, but it’s much worse today. No idea what I’ve done, so off to the docs for me tomorrow.

Sending jingles for everyone else.

I should be discharged in about an hour from surgery #2; surgery #1 was 12/2.

Glad both are behind me.

I should be discharged in about an hour from surgery #2; surgery #1 was 12/2.

Glad both are behind me.[/QUOTE]

Sending healing jingles!

Sending healing jingles to all the surgery people.

Count me in the trashed knee group, still awaiting MRI scan to find out what I’ve done, but I have to share this


Seriously, I was waking several times through the night my turning and being woken by the pain. I refuse to wear a brace in bed, and I hate tensor bandages, so I had a light bulb moment, tried a polo wrap, and Sheer bliss:lol:

Tried it again last night and slept 8 whole hours straight, and I’m still wearing my wrap today

I’m in! My knee has been bad for a few years between the 2x a week PT for that and an my rotator cuff (also 2x a week, more if I get surgery) and school there aren’t enough days in the week! Oh well its a sacrifice I have to make to keep riding. Thank god for advil! It has come to the point where my ortho laughs when he sees me in his office though :lol:

Bad ankle. I’m in.

Though my problems pale in comparison to what I’m seeing here! Best wishes to everyone!

Just got scheduled last week for ankle surgery in mid January. Going to spend Christmas break making the house crutch-friendly.

Just wish I’d cried in the dr’s office sooner. Like months ago.

For those with ankle surgeries, consider using a knee walker instead of crutches. Here’s a link with some of various styles:

You bend the bad leg and rest the knee on the pad. You can carry stuff in
the basket. Around here, rentable at a medical supply store for about $70 to$80 a month. Worth every penny! If you have a lot of stairs, maybe not so much but our house is on one level and only a half step out.

I prefer the ones with handle bars versus the bar models that fold up, but
that’s just me. You can test drive them in the store.

Today is the obligatory It’s Day 3 After Surgery So You’ll Feel Pukey Day, but that’s fine, I’m just still so relieved both surgeries are now behind me.

Have said many a kind, private word up to the heavens to the people who donated their bodies, too. So weird to think I have parts of several people in my leg, but bless them for being so generous.

Sorry we’re all going through it, or about to go through it, or have been through it far too many times. I always felt bad for people who had bad knees and ankles, and hate being one of the brigade.

I saw one at my dr office… then I remembered the 2 flights of steps in my house.

I found a lot of good tips, suggestions, etc. here:

That’s the link for the ankle board. Here’s for the knees:

I’m in. Rippled part of PLC in May on the lateral side, along with tib/fib end fractures. Fractures healed, but they finally just diagnosed the rip two weeks ago. Surgery will be lots of chopping w/ 8 months of rehab. I don’t have time for that, I have a young horse to train, so…I’ll use it till it falls apart! The other knee never has been right since an old rafting accident, it is not taking well to the added load, sigh.

I’m looking at probably having knee replacement revision surgery in the near future… I am SO tired of knee problems, but it could be worse, I guess. I’ll see my ortho on Wednesday morning and get comparison x-rays and see how bad things really are.

I’ve also got the aftermarket donated parts, for which I am most grateful, even though they haven’t come through as hoped. Plenty of metal too, for which I’m not quite as grateful. I’m an organ donor myself and have made certain that family is aware of that and of my advanced directive. Not that I think any of my parts will still be serviceable once I’m through with them. :rolleyes: But if they are, I hope to help as many souls as possible.

Can I be an honorary member of this club seeing as my “similar injury support group” is fortunately non-existant? I do have a crunchy knee cap as a result of my accident, but it’s small potatoes compared to the rest of my trashed leg…