COTH Trashed Knee + Ankle Brigade

A lot of people on the H/J forum are speculating about McClain Ward’s recovery time after surgery for a shattered patella. Would any of you be familiar with that situation? He had a bad fall at WEF Saturday, and had surgery late Saturday night. No other news was available that I could find. Is that a situation where the kneecap is replaced, or is there some other method of correcting it? And can the kneecap be shattered and the other bones and joints still be ok? Thanks very much if you’d like to share any info for those of us who have not (yet) been there.


BetterOffRed, did the HA jabs hurt?[/QUOTE]

The first jab hurt. Much more than I thought it would. I cursed like a sailor in front of the vet tech. It was a dull ache all day.

The 2nd and 3rd shots were uneventful. But the relief those shots gave me was incredible!

I am going to ask for an Rx of the voltaran creme…the voltaren pill is eating up my stomach. The meloxicam seems to be working and isn’t so harsh.

I’m heading back for the gym for the 2nd time since my injury…I’m crossing my fingers that I can walk the next day. Where’s the praying smiley???

I am SO happy that I stopped the meloxicam last week. I can sleep better, the vertigo is pretty much gone and the paresthesia is almost gone.

Second PT yesterday. The knee PT is fine, doesn’t hurt at all. Actually it is a wonderful feeling when she bends the knee, and I think my knee is singing “Thank you, thank you!” while it is happening.

But let’s talk about the therapy for the drop foot. Even though I have been stretching my calf muscles every day with a standing bandage around my foot and pulling it up, there has been no pushing upwards on the foot itself. Yeah, until Monday. Now, that foot hadn’t moved in that direction since November 26 and the foot and ankle are swollen. Oh my. Had to peel myself off the ceiling.

The PT said that the knee rehab would be much less painful than the drop foot. Ick! That said, it all has to happen. Smiling outside, but inside a few four letter words :lol:

It was funny, after the first PT and even more on Monday, the stretching felt so good you’d almost swear you could just stand on it and walk off. Can’t put any weight on it until 2/10, and am X’ing the days off my calendar as I get closer. I know it’s only going to be putting a tiny bit of weight on it while standing at the walker, but it will still be wonderful.

So, if I go and get my knee replaced, how long do you think it would be before I get back on a horse? I really wish I had the joints of my mother, who at 80, has no problem sitting on her knees with her butt on her feet and popping right back up again!!

Core end, sounds like you are doing fantastic,Girl! :slight_smile:

Whoops sorry. It is suppose to say Coreene but spell check took over.

Glad you are doing well, Coreene.

It helps that as horse riders I think we are in reasonably good shape to start with, and have a goal in mind and the motivation to get there. (And we are used to sucking it up somewhat when things hurt!)

I’m pretty lucky. In a Gold Cup race when I was 22, big wreck, killed horse and a broken leg, ankle and foot. After surgery the surgeon said, “I didn’t know if I’d be able to save your foot”. I FAINT dead away. Months later, leg is OK, ankle stinks and they didn’t notice I’d broken my foot too…during physical therapy I was coming right off the table in pain during the torture…out come the x-rays…oh, you broke your foot too! Special. They can’t put me back into a cast (lose even more ankle motility) so the docs ask, “Do you have a pair of hiking boots?..wear those”. They eventually work but ankle is stiff and haven’t been able to run or even “trot” since the accident. But, I have my foot and I’m still riding years later.

Sometimes I’m lame, my wife looks at me and says she wishes she could do something. I just reply that I’ve got my foot, am still riding and I have no complaints. Compared to some of my fellow Cothers, I’m in great shape and really hope you all get your joints successfully repaired.

I have two bad knees. I have a lot of pain behind my kneecaps going up stairs. I am putting off surgery as long as possible. Glad you are doing better Coreene. Wishing everyone the best!

Trakehner, yours is much, much worse than what I am going through, ouch!

I got an Rx for Voltaren the other day (Surpass), because my stash is somewhere, who knows, and I am not about to ask someone to go searching everywhere. I pay $20 for a 100 gr tube anywhere in the world. The co-pay here? $40!!!

Okay, since I have been off work healing for 6 days, I would like to join this group! ACL surgery left knee on 1/11/12…second one by same doc, he did the right ACL replacement 4.5 yrs ago! Wow- this is a group I can relate to- crushed my right wrist and ankle last year as well…first accident where I ever broke a bone falling off a horse! But, so glad I am not Trakehner! Wow- what an unfortunate accident and so glad you still have your foot! Yikes, anyway, it’s good to be on the mend- sitting here with ice machine and CPM machine going like crazy…healing thoughts to all COTHers who are healing as well!:slight_smile:

Finally had surgery yesterday. Doc took a load of scar tissue out of my ankle, said there was a reason I was hurting (y’a think?) He didn’t take a look at the ligaments at all, so I’m crossing my fingers on that.

After writing all over my right ankle, in post-op he tells not to worry about the needle mark on my left on - he started on the wrong one, :eek: but he caught it quick, before anything was really done.

Anyway, feel pretty good, not sick or anything. Pain meds are working too.:smiley:

Oh, Redmares! There I was laying in pre-op with a large hole right through my left thigh, pumped full of morphine, in shock, and someone (who knows who at that point) says to me “so, it’s this left one, then?”


Can I join the group!

In nine days it marks the one year ann. of me breaking 4 bones, (two places on my Fibia, the bottom back part of my Tibia, and the inside ankle bone) AND I dislocated my foot right off my ankle AND tore ALL the soft tissue from my knee to my toes. NICE !!

how did I do that you ask? I was at the top of a horse trailer ramp and decided to kiss the ground. :lol::lol:

slip and twisted my leg. Opps.!!

I went a week on heavy pain meds and an ace bandage with a splint while I was waiting for my ortho doc. appt. The ER had let me leave with my FOOT DANGLING from my leg!! Turns out they can’t read an xray. I was in surgery the next morning at 7am.

6 screw, a 4 inch plate, 5 months of non-weight bearing then removal of the 2 larger screws, leave me with 4 and 4 inches of metal.

Got a nice 6 inch scar, still a bit of limited mobility in my ankle, and man does it hurt when its cold out.:eek: thank god I live in FL.

I am three weeks post op on my total knee replacement so at least I’ve made it to the “other side”…doing okay, physical therapy going well, trying to wean down a bit from the narcotics and move on to some ibuprofen. Got to ditch the walker a few days ago and hobbling on one crutch now but just the thought of riding at this point makes me feel woozy. Ask me again in a few weeks, I’m sure it will be much better but sounds like I might not be mucking my own stalls for a few more months at least. Could be worse eh?

Happy to hear from those of you who have had successful surgeries and are now in rehab mode and to those of you pondering or waiting for your surgery…get past it and things will look better in recovery mode!

Oh and will I ever get a full night’s sleep ever again???

My 3rd knee replacement (I’m anatomically gifted) is Monday. At least I know exactly what to expect! I’m having a unicompartmental knee replaced with a total knee. When you’re in your 40’s and have knee replacement of any kind, they just don’t last.




This is going way to well. Some pain, but bearable; some swelling, but not too bad, especially considering I’ve been out & about (I have a driver), not really bad. I made through last night w/o any extra drugs.

As easy as this has been, I am on my way to being seriously ticked off at my surgeon. I can’t figure out for the life of me why this wasn’t done 3 or 6 months ago. If he tells me I’m basically good to go next week (That’s what the post op conversations with Mom sounded like), there may be a high order detonation in that office. I had to jump through major hoops at work, since I had to base things on worst case (8 weeks) and a week ago, doc wouldn’t narrow the window down any, just “We’ll see” I’m going to feel/look like an idiot if I can go back to work in a week.

I’ll join. 69, bone on bone in right knee. Had five consequetive weekly HA shots in the joint guided by xray…might have been a bit of a scam…which have alleviated 20% of the pain. Recommendation is for replacement. I read that many riders do Adequan, 1 cc. Might try that. tylenol is my friend. I am afraid that at my age, a hiatus from riding will end my riding…so many sore parts to reactivate!!!

My BIL had his knee replaced when he was about 80 and went back to riding, though lightly, and playing golf

FYI for those with busted useless ankles, a team of some of the finest ankle surgeons in the country has developed a new effective ankle replacement . Should be be FDA approved by the Fall 2012!