Could use some jingles and advice, please!

So my OG, Mick (cat, female, age 20) was fine today, but about 7, she woke up and started having a small seizure. It was really odd, and freaked me out enough to call the vet. By the time the vet called me back, she’d recovered, gone into the kitchen, and was begging for food. She ate, and then had another seizure. She was a little ataxic and the vet said to bring her in.

She had a shot of midazolam (5ml), and a dose of gabapentin and one of levetiracetam. We also cleaned her ears and she was sent home with some antibiotic ear drops with steroids. She’s pretty loopy but she’s upright, hasn’t had a seizure since, and is ravenous (which, given that she’s hyperthyroid and early-stage renal, is a godsend - not sure which drug is responsible, but i’m happy she’s eating so well!).

Vet said to call it anything goes wrong tonight. I have an emergency dose of the midazolam, just in case. Just need some jingles. Mick has survived so much. I’m not ready to let her go yet.


So sorry to hear Mick is having problems. It is so hard to see them getting older and having issues. Jingles for her and big hugs for you. Hang in there. :kissing_heart:


First Jingles & AO for Mick ~ stay strong ~

SubQ fluids ~ daily to boost her up ~


Hope you and Mick had a restful night.


Thanks for the jingles! She ate overnight, had another dose of the levitracem at 5, and ate again. She’s alert and getting around - a little wobbly, but that’s a side effect of both medications.

A photo from this morning. She’s taking a nap on the bed with me. This is her usual spot.


Jing jing Jingles for dear old Mick!!


She’s a beautiful.old gal :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’ve always been a sucker for tabbys :heart_eyes:
Sending Hoosier Jingles… softly, so as not to wake Mick :shushing_face:


She is beautiful. I hope she will continue to get better. Our older animals just break our hearts, don’t they?


They do. And we’ve been through so much - I’ve raised her since she was 4 weeks old, she survived histoplasmosis (first animal in my state to be diagnosed with it) and the resulting kidney damage, went into remission … now she’s doing well on her adjusted dose of thyroid medicine, she’s even gained weight over the past few weeks… yeah.

Texted with her vet this morning, and we’re going to adjust her gabapentin so she’s not knocked for a loop.


Sending plenty of jingles to her for continuing improvement!


Jingles from me, too💗. Amazing about the histoplasmosis….


Sending jingles for you and your kitty.


Best wishes and positive thoughts for both you and Mick!

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What a lovely kitty! Hang in there, Mick!

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Mick’s still sassy as ever. After doing some research tonight, I found that hyperthyroidism and inner-ear infections can both trigger seizures, though the cause/correlation isn’t always apparent. She has both; she’s on antibiotic drops for the ears for 10 days, so I’m hoping if that clears, she might be able to come off the Keppra and gabapentin (or at least maybe one of them). They definitely make her a little woozy and sleepy.


Just when things were looking better, Mick crashed hard last night. I was up with her from 4am on. She was having uncontrollable spasms in her legs - I don’t know if ‘seizure’ is quite the right word, but they weren’t controlled even on her gabapentin and Keppra. The vet had given me an emergency dose of midazolam, which I gave her under the skin; it knocked her out, but it only lasted for about an hour and a half. Texted my vet at 6:30, he met me at the clinic as early as he could, and we let her go. She was no longer responsive; she seemed calmer if I was touching her, but gave almost no signs of knowing I was even there.

After twenty years, I don’t know what to do without her, honestly. I know I have many, many other cats - and believe me, they gathered around me when I got home, as if asking where Mick was and why I was crying - but I just can’t imagine her not being there. My vet and his wife made sure they were the ones taking care of her in the end, since they’ve known her the longest.


I am so sorry for your massive loss.

I still occasionally “see” an old favorite peeping at me down the hall.


I am so very sorry for your loss.

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My heart breaks for you.
But you did right by Mick & to my mind that’s the most important thing.
The cats in my Life have generally gone downhill at 17, but losing a 9yo last year didn’t hurt any less.
Grieve for sweet Mick, know you did all you could (& more than a lot would) & cherish her memory.


I’m so sorry. Sending hugs to you on the loss of your old friend.