Couldn't look at a thread that I started despite being logged in.

Couldn’t look at a thread that I started despite being logged in.

Sorry, you are not authorized to view this page.
Please try logging in or logging in as different user Login or send a message to the admin

Tried to send a message to the admin but received a message that the admin wasn’t set up to receive private messages. Logged out and logged back in but that didn’t fix things.

How did you try to access the thread?

I have had notification links give me that error because the post that it is sending me to has been removed but I can access the thread by going to the forum it is in and opening it that way.

Did you PM @Moderator 1 or did you try sending something to “admin” (who I don’t think is a user)?

Is your thread listed here and can you access from that point?

If the thread isn’t listed, sounds like you posted something that you shouldn’t’ve and the thread got removed. If it’s on that list above and you can access it from there, sounds like what trub is describing above.

My thread is listed there.

Thanks for the help. I am new here.

@KittyinAus All set now?

Thanks ladies!

All set :slight_smile:

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