Please explain “the fix,” I’m in. Is that a southern term?
I can guarantee you, anyone I care to know, “sees me,” just fine. There is literally not one thing you can post, do or say which would ever make anyone I spend my time with, view me any differently. They’ve learned quite a lot about you though! Not just small things, like your inability to find another adjective beside “fascinating,” or an alternative noun, than “myriad.”
I’m so glad you posted this. While you & others are under the impression anything I post here weakens the criminal cases against Barisone & Cox, others and attorneys view exactly what you have just stated, as a great help to the causes of mine (&others.)
What was it you said your “cause,” was, again? Oh. Forgot. For “people to see me, know me?” And you think they’re (again, anyone I care to allow or keep in my friends circle) gonna rethink my relationships with then Bc YOU …… (fill in blank with literally ANY verb.) Yahhh…. ooookay!