Court date for Michael Barisone?

And yet here you are creating drama.


Oh boy! Can you imagine a person, of law no less, just popping in on this thread for the first time?

It would take them months to catch up, but my money would be on that they would shake their head and give up :joy:!

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Sheā€™s not wrong :rofl:


While I have been hurt riding and working around horses, Iā€™ve been hurt worse doing everyday things like coming down the stairs.


And driving a car!


what about this thread is it that bothers you so much?
I really donā€™t get it.
I saw you throwing up your figurative hands on the other platform 'omg, these peopleā€™ discussing the Barisone case on COTH!!!

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There are a lot of threads I leave unread because after the initial post I found them not worth my time.

What has struck a nerve with you that you have to behave so very out of character?


I imagine she is convinced of guilt and does not comprehend anyone questioning her commitment. It is apparent she does not feel the justification of discussion regarding possibilities. This is the type of closemindedness I would hope doesnā€™t appear on a jury. Just my thoughts from reading the posts. But I agree with you, why not walk on by?


Wait, what ā€œother platformā€???

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not germain to the topic

So now who is playing for drama???

Oy vey!


Because I have friends and family in law enforcement in the area, and have spoken to someone on the legal side, who has filled me in on the details of how a case like this works.

If anyone would bother to read my posting history, you would see that my first comment replied to the comments made about the LEOs involved. Being incredibly close to that profession, it made me realize how these Barisone threads were being run on emotion rather than any knowledge of police procedure, legal strategy, or particularly, on-going domestic situations.

But try bringing that opinion to the table. If you go back through all the comments directed at me, no one is interested in actually learning anything (except one poster, who I acknowledged, but they then accused me of ignoring them) only in their own pet theories.

I think it boils down to people preferring echo chambers and having their own opinions confirmed. And not liking the idea of looking closely at their assumptions and biases.

Every time Iā€™ve posted, Iā€™ve thought surely they will move on this time rather than spend 10+ posts misconstruing what Iā€™ve said or assigning motives to me that are completely off the wall (the alter one was the best).

I think people become so invested in these online worlds that they forget they are discussing real peopleā€™s lives. Itā€™s easy to say that police officers didnā€™t do their jobs based on a suit designed to set the defendant up with an insanity plea, but youā€™re talking about real people, with families and jobs that put them at high risk due to the current environment.

As I said, I am close to this field, so when the conversation veered into talking about how police basically suck, it caught my attention and made me look at things more closely.

While this entire case serves as entertainment for you (group), it involves real people, their families, and their futures. Yet no one really seems to care about that, only in making up stories about what they think happened.

Not to mention, spending an inordinate amount of time focusing on posters they really should just ignore if they donā€™t want them to contribute. But when it becomes a group sportā€”singling one or two people outā€”that appears to be just as much fun.

So long story short, I think non-experts do a lot of harm when they get involved in real-life situations without any evidence or knowledge of actual events, but they will do anything to defend their right to do so.

I also predict that it will be impossible for people to avoid responding to this post. Based on all the posts directed at me, Iā€™ve obviously hit a nerve, which says a lot in itself. Otherwise, you would have truly ignored me.

I do challenge you to get to know a law enforcement officer. Youā€™ll stop painting them all with the same broad brush and perhaps come to understand the profession better.


So youā€™re close to the field. How very special. Iā€™m IN the field. Over 30 years. So are others here, but by all means, we all bow to your greater borrowed knowledge.


What makes you think you are the only one with close ties to LEOs and their procedures? IF the Barisone complaint has a smidgen of truth to it regarding the action and inaction of the officers involved, they should be seriously concerned. No attorney is going to risk their license filing a complaint filled with lies.


So, for me personally, if you have insight into the LE side of it all, Iā€™m all for hearing it. I did get the impression that the stuff about the officers from Barisone was hastily and messily put together, though the info in them (while obviously not verified) was still interesting to read, since we havenā€™t heard much from MBā€™s side.

I think the issue is the people that come on and claim everyone is Barisone fan, or victim shaming, or making light of the situation. While it probably would be wiser not to interact with LK when she comes on (though I do understand how it can be hard to resist), there really just isnā€™t anyone saying MB is free from all blame.

As far as the NBDTBS thing, if you werenā€™t on the original threads it might seem super callous to you, but it got REALLY old to have some people claim you were saying LK deserved to be shot every time you said something about what might have led MB to do it. it just evolved from preemptively saying the whole phrase to deter people from ignoring the actual content of the comment, to a shortened acronym type deal.

Though, personally, there are some people out there that I think totally deserve to be shot like, with a BB or paintball gun or something that will hurt but not actually be deadly or all that harmful. Not LK though, I donā€™t know her at all. Iā€™m thinking more people in my life that are really awful :joy:


See, you guys just canā€™t help itā€¦you canā€™t help but make snarky replies. If you donā€™t like assumptions being made about your experience (or lack thereof), why do you do it to others?

Some people on here get it, like the person who just posted (Twi) and the post I liked a couple of days ago, but you (group) put down all opinions if you donā€™t ā€œlikeā€ the poster and/or their opinion doesnā€™t match your narrative.

This has been going on long before I joined the conversation.

You may have LEO experience but it doesnā€™t seem to provide good perspective on this particular case. And you should be the first to say maybe we shouldnā€™t assume things without more facts.

If youā€™re close to LE, you will know that officers are being gunned down simply for wearing the uniform. Fostering anti-LEO rhetoric puts my loved ones in danger. Do you know a cop thatā€™s been killed? I do.

And so many of the comments Iā€™ve read show absolutely no familiarity with peopleā€™s rights (ā€œthe police should have arrested them allā€) but I donā€™t see anyoneā€”including those with LEO experienceā€”saying that doing it that way violates civil rights. You canā€™t have it both waysā€”either you want ethical behavior or you want LEOs to disregard the law.

Itā€™s easy to post anything online. It would be nice to see some realization that your comments may affect the lives of real people.

And perhaps remember that kindness goes a long way ~ itā€™s fun to gossip about and bait LK, but a lot harder to ignore her and resist engaging in the drama.

I stuck around and posted in a variety of tones to see for myself how I would be treated if I didnā€™t present as an easily liked poster. Count how many posts were directed at me and what they said. The exact behaviors you (group) claim to hate are ones you are more than happy to use when it suits you.

I normally see this happen in political threads (and Iā€™ve done it myself before I realized my own hypocrisy). Itā€™s been interesting but also sad to see it play out with this group.

You asked about my motivations and Iā€™ve given it to you straight. But can you stop being snarky at me or, better yet, be kind in every post?


[quote=ā€œTwiSedai, post:2049, topic:761824ā€]
Though, personally, there are some people out there that I think totally deserve to be shot like, with a BB or paintball gun or something that will hurt but not actually be deadly or all that harmful. [/quote]

So NBDTBS actually becomes SomePeopleDeserveToBeShotButLikeWithAPaintballGunOrSomethingThatWillHurtButNotActuallyBeDeadlyOrAllThatHarmful.

Well you seem like a lovely human being.


I read this and thought you were going to fill us in on the details of how a case like this works, but it turned out you were trying to shame us.


Please see capitalized statements.


Okay, grand. We can start by engaging with my response re: insanity defence. US criminal law is not my speciality so Iā€™m genuinely interested in the insight your legal friends have shared. Like, what happens if it is successful? What further steps are taken? If a defendant is institutionalised, do they face trial when they are deemed fit to leave the institution? Is it an absolute defence?

And, from my POV, several people, including @Knights_Mom, have shared pertinent, on point, legal procedure and rules of evidence information from their first-hand experience in LE, criminal law, and court procedure. I think you sell them short with your scolding and generalising. Theyā€™ve really given a lot of interesting factual explanations of the law and procedural issues involved here. Thatā€™s what makes these threads so interesting to me. Lots to learn and discuss if you ignore the more personal stuff about LK and MB as individuals.


Ok, I call BS
And I have a cop in the family.
Not rehashing my observations from afar, LE is just not cutting muster these days.
On many levels.
And fearing their families are in danger because somebody called them out on their shotty work.
Oh my.

I am not seeing the emotions you project into the posts.
Well, in most posters I donā€™t see them.

I see some analytical minds trying the peel the onion from what is available.

And to me some things do not add up.

And I do see where the route law abiding citizens are taught to take utterly failed in this case.
And some damning evidence by one participant.

I do not share your emotional involvements,
Not the fear that the cops will be harmed.
They did side with the little woman, after all. So she wonā€™t go after them.

Reading your responses to the reply, I think it is your emotions going amog.
The cops are not the victim here.
And it looks like they messed up big time, before and after.
No, they do not deserve to be shot over this but they need to be called out on falling down on their job.
A very unemotional analysis, I am sure with only partial facts.