Court date for Michael Barisone?

Attorneys aren’t going to risk their license or reputation on frivilous suits without merit and/or evidence. This suit in particular is interesting because it opens the door a bit for the criminal case to undermine the police for their inaction and troubling delay in preparing their reports after the shooting! At a minimum this suit opened the door for Bilinkas to walk in. I would expect the attorney already had the video from the Police Department before proceeding. Just like all pending lawsuits, a judge can say there are no grounds but that would be a surprise indeed.


Interesting point of note….LK initiated her civil suit the day after RC’s arrest warrant was filed/recalled……


I realize we have no facts on this topic but just wanting to discuss, if others are willing.

Let us go on the assumption that what is written in that lawsuit (MB against the police) is fully accurate. (Before you pounce on me, I am not saying it is or is not accurate, I am saying for the sake of the question I am about to ask, we are going to assume it is.)
Why would this police department/these officers continue to not do anything to help the person who actually complained?
Because it is ‘just a civil matter’?
Because of the long standing thought that a big strong man can not be intimidated by a cute young woman?
Maybe because this department is not used to dealing with some of the bigger problems of real life?

It just seems weird that after so many calls so close together that they would, call after call, not follow their own rules about reports and what to do.


I wonder if they need to show that the police did not follow proper procedure. Maybe if they can show what is normally done or what the police should have done and compare to what happened in this particular case.

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There was something mentioned in the suit that this kind of lackadaisical police work had been reported before.


Who knows….but between the recalled warrant, no evidence of criminal charges, and RC’s adamant denial of knowledge of a gun in her control that was used in the shooting in the LK civil suit….I’m starting to suspect that maybe RC didn’t actually have a gun….


Im curious if they have faced other lawsuits and have lost. You would think the department would be stricter about correct procedures if this has happened before.


Reading over the complaint looking for this item was enlightening all over again.


Is she included in the civil suit as a possible gun owner or as acting barn manager.

Where are all the posters now who wanted to discuss the particulars but raged about fangirls now that the thread is actually discussing the issues?


Since the suit is against the PD, nothing is mentioned about RG or LK other than their actions and histories. RC and the gun is not mentioned that I recall.


In LK’s lawsuit LK claims……

And RC’s response is……

LK filed this complaint the day after the warrant was issued/recalled. RC’s response was months later. If she had really been arrested for or had criminal charges against her for the gun involved in the shooting, her attorney would have known it by then and would never have made these denials.


Thanks for providing that, I couldn’t remember.

I love the whole “lost wages” BS in LK’s complaint! What wages? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy:


Has she ever had wages?

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I guess from the bar, or whatever it was, that she had her cranberry juice bottle fight in.

What do you think of this? Do you think law enforcement officers should be held to a higher standard of conduct? I am all for reform and leniency if it is deserved but it seems these officers exploited a captive and vulnerable population which doesn’t help those people recover and change their own situations.

According to the article the drugs were not distributed to the inmates. Not sure I would believe them but who knows.

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WOW!!! What sentences did the general public receive?


I am trying to lose weight. Please no talk of pizza. Thank you. :wink:


Big hugs to you!! And welcome to COTH… if you want to stay you need to accept the reality…. And don’t ever start to freak out about people getting personal about you. If you freak out you will get banned… I have seen it many times :flushed: