Court date for Michael Barisone?

Try this one:

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If it loads correctly, here are some other clips about the murders

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Not sure that the W family involved in the murders would have any assets that aren’t gone or
hidden. They weren’t exactly rolling in coin according to how they lived. I suspect their trip to Alaska about wiped them out.
The main farm and other assets were all in Fredericka’s name.


It’s too bad the Oxygen series isn’t available on demand or through Amazon Prime.

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 I didn’t realize that was any relation to Flying W. I used to check the availables page just to see cute foal videos. All of her horses seemed well balanced and ammy friendly.


I wonder if she will ever be charged again. Im not sure but I believe she is also named in the lawsuit.

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Apparently since there was a confession of guilt by the father of the young girl, Fredericka is no longer an issue.

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It is such a strange story. The sheriff that originally investigated the murders was arrested too. I believe his was an unrelated charge of theft in office or something similar.

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I searched the names on Discovery + and nothing came up there. (Though this might be my sucky searching skills.)

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That is a tragic and also really bizarre case. He says it was based on his dispute with the mother of his child, but why kill 8 people then?


Did a Google search to see if there’s a date and came across this article from earlier this year. I’m posting as it seems to mention a few things I had been unaware off, or possibly forgotten. For one, it mentions MB also filed a SS report against LK. There’s one or two other things too. If I’m posting stuff folks were already aware of, I apologize.


Do you think a trial is still possible for this year or is it more likely to occur next year?

That article says it was a landlord-tenant dispute. In the civil trial LK says there was no lease.

NJ has made it tough to evict tenants

but maybe not so tough to evict horses?


If there was a verbal agreement with regard to using the property, it will be interesting to see how a judge views it.


I wonder why there are a bunch of secret recordings yet none made on the day of the incident in question.

It seems if CPS was there and that would likely provoke a response, someone who cared enough to install secret devices would make sure those devices were working on that particular day. If nothing else, if they were recording threats you’d think they would expect lots of chatter and threats on that day of all days.

I just find it really odd that that’s the one day for which there are no recordings.


But a verbal agreement about letting her stay on property doesn’t apply to horses which would be covered by a boarding contract. It’s possible that MB thought if he evicted the horses she’d leave on her own. Maybe that is the genesis of the horse stealing claims? Is there a mechanism to remove horses or do horses that owners refuse to move become abandoned and property of the barn that can be sold to cover expenses of the abandonment.


The only thing I can think of is that perhaps the plan was to eliminate any maternal family member who could possibly get custody of the daughter.


Prosecution said they expected motions to start being filed about in 6 weeks

in the Feb article about a plea deal. Discovery was still being exchanged


Oh, Lord, I hadn’t thought of that. How horrific! I find it incredible that multiple family members decided to participate in a plan that horrific.



It’s a newspaper article. It is not a legal document. Calling it a landlord tenant dispute says nothing about what kind of lease or contract existed or didn’t exist or if rent was paid. It’s just newspaper shorthand to say that one party was living in the other party’s property. This wasn’t a trespasser or robber and it also wasn’t a domestic dispute. Don’t try to parse too much into what local newspapers say.