Court date for Michael Barisone?

Perhaps temperament? Saddlebreds and Friesians I have known were generally friendly, personable and intelligent. Then there is bone and feathers. Conformation I think would affect movement…particularly slope or straightness of shoulder.

I guess when you get the breeding right, you can put the right individuals together to focus on what you want as breed characteristics. In theory.

Don’t know much about Morgans or Hackneys. The Morgans I have met, while lovely, tend to be hot. But that may be my area. I understand Morgan “styles” vary in Canada by region. Have to work with them a bit to get them to settle into work…but then I may be generalizing and apologize to Morgan aficionados. They certainly fill the eye.


OMG, the Technical Help Forum thread is hysterical! She basically admits to being Beetlejuice, and will show up if her name is mentioned.

Is there anywhere online where it can be confirmed that more than one arrest has been made in the Barisone case?


It must be a first in COTH history to get a Technical Help thread shut down :rofl:


Flying W Farms had developed a real niche market and their horses were gaining popularity fast among dressage riders.
They were moderately priced for an ‘off breed’ usually selling for $3-5,000 for a young horse, usually black, lots of pretty and personable and smart.
It was the matriarch of the family who was the brains behind the business. I’d guess they were
selling 100-200 horses per year at their top.
Very interesting story of this family. And yes the tragedy of the murders is also intriguing.


best laugh of the day, THANKS!!


I just read it. :open_mouth: . Even having YD on ignore, it was pretty painful.


Did they ever receive a safesport suspension? Perhaps they were not active members then or the farm is somehow shielded? I believe they had won USEF breed awards in the past.

Don’t know why they would, other than the matriarch’s arrest- but charges were later dropped.

That makes sense, thanks

I seem to recall this operation back in the days of the Arab horse investment bubble being a major producer of magickal black Arabian horses. Very market-savvy.


Do you remember the marketing of Egyptian Arabians? David Gardiner was a marketing genius! Those sales were beautifully orchestrated. Ruminaja Ali, and all of his get and buddies. Judy Forbis and her turbans. Gullible people, and their money going away! :rofl:


Ok…pennies just dropped about FWF. I saw one of their lovely horses compete in my area a couple of years. He certainly caught my eye. Man, he could cover ground.

The day I watched him, he was followed by a Newfoundland Pony…equally dark, chunky with flowy mane, etc. but in a completely different package. Equally talented.

Fun to watch.

I too have been following the Pike County murders.


Yes. I owned one. Just as you described. A local dressage trainer recently sold an older one by Koenig for good price


I just googled those murders. OMG. No wonder the stud closed.

yes they did win some USEF awards in their heyday. not sure how active they are anymore
as the matriarch is aging now and the oldest son is ‘out of the business’ and the husband has
passed away.
Here’s their old website- click on the alphabetical list of many of their amateur shown horses and
their versatility- jumpers, eventing, dressage, police horses etc.

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That is so sad. The first thing I saw was in God we Trust.

God was not on their side that day.

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I doubt the older owners of FWF were involved in the murders, otherwise they would have been charged w/ crimes.
Word on the street is the plot was the work of the daughter-in-law, the child’s grandmother.

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There was a lawsuit filed last year by one of the relatives of the victims of the massacre. I wonder if The State of Ohio could go after any assets too if they are convicted as they would had to have incurred high costs in investigating and prosecuting the cases. Do not know how all of that works though.


This case has been fascinating in so many ways!

Edited to add another source that doesn’t require a subscription (I apologize, I am an NYT and WaPo junky).


@eggbutt are there any articles that do not require paying for them? Not sure how, but NYTimes says I have reached my limit of free articles…