Court date for Michael Barisone?

The dog had reportedly been a problem, including, I believe, being loose on the property and biting people.
Would I carry a gun to protect myself or clients, children, etc from a sometimes loose, dangerous dog? Maybe.

Please assume this addendum on any of my comments
" No one deserves to be shot, intimidated or harassed "


Except that he has plead not guilty, so I don’t know that it hasn’t been disputed by anyone. I don’t think we know whether it is being disputed or not. The only one saying he shot her is LK and her BF. MB hasn’t said he shot her.


There a lot of blending of the criminal and civil cases on this thread. Nothing has been proven or disproven in the criminal case.


Well of course he pled not guilty. He’s be crazy to plead guilty to the full charge. But the fact that he drove to their house and shot them both - while they were unarmed - has not been disputed by anyone, including the lawyers and the judges. Not guilty didn’t mean he didn’t shoot them; it simply means his lawyers believe the have grounds to prove he may not be found guilty of the charge of attempted murder. Lesser charges could be attempted manslaughter, criminal negligence, aggravated assault, assault with a weapon, unlawful possession of a weapon, etc.


There hasn’t been a phase in the criminal case where this or any evidence has been presented or accepted by a fact finder. It may be that certain events are undisputed but there hasn’t been a time where that would happen/not happen yet. The judge is a neutral arbiter and does not dispute any facts. He calls balls and strikes in terms of legal issues and ultimately the jury will decide the facts.


I’m not defending LK one bit, but anyone expecting to hear at trial some previously unheard of account of the day’s events that doesn’t include MB showing up at the house and firing a gun at two people is going to be sorely disappointed, IMO.


You may well be right but it’s not fair to say these are undisputed facts. No facts in the criminal case have been disputed or undisputed yet. We can guess at the defense theory but it’s just a guess.


Ok, they are yet to be disputed facts.

No matter the outcome I won’t be disappointed. As long as justice prevails, I’m good. I have no dog in this fight.


I want to know if the gun really was pink. And who owned it.


None of us do.


If this case does go to trial, hopefully a trial date will be set soon and whatever happens, at least both the victim and the defendant can plan for their future and put this terrible incident behind them.

As someone interested in the legal process (but has no legal knowledge) it is very surprising for me how long it actually takes for a case to go to trial even without Covid.

Another case I’m following, the Pike County murders in southern Ohio, has set a court date for one of the defendants for April 2022. The murders happened in 2016. One of the defendants has plead guilty and has agreed to testify against the others. This case also has a horse connection as the father/grandfather of the defendants developed the Georgian Grande breed and the family owns a large horse farm.


Curious, is that actually a recognized breed?

Apparently, it is a new breed of horse (founded 1994). According to wiki (I know, not the most reliable source), they’re trying to recreate a heavier Saddlebred type by crossbreeding Saddlebreds and Friesians and assorted draft breeds. They’re wanting to recreate the type of horse of Robert E. Lee named Traveller. (Picture on the wiki page).

Supposedly the breed was accepted under the “United States Dressage Federation All Breeds Council and the American Horse Council.”

Wiki also states “While not a national recognized breed affiliate with the USEF, Georgian Grandes may compete in any open all-breed USEF division, and a Georgian Grande that is also a Friesian cross with 50% or more Friesian breeding and one purebred Friesian parent may compete in part-bred Friesian classes.”

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The farm name is Flying W Farms and they have a website if you are interested in learning more about the breed.

Serious question - but if one of the stated goals is to create or re-create a Saddlebred-type horse with more substance, couldn’t they accomplish this by breeding Hackneys (horse-size)? Or Lippitt Morgans?


Georgian Grandes are a big deal in the South and quite expensive. They can be quite talented riding horses, very intelligent, with beautiful expressions and usually have the Friesian feathers.


We had one at the barn where I board and she was lovely.


Lippitt Morgans are usually on the small side, and wouldn’t have the movement desired. The Georgian Grandes are lovely!


There was a Georgian Grand where I was a WS a few years ago, and he was a very nice horse, temperament wise. Conformation was decent as well.
He was on stall rest post surgery, and handled that beautifully.