Court date for Michael Barisone?

In Feb, articles said they would be offering a deal at the April hearing, which came and went, as Lauren made a crazy appearance here the day after. My guess is they offered, but haven’t accepted, at least not yet. Then this recent Civil suit. I don’t know why there’s no word on a deal one way or another, or how the public would even know.


Is that article as fact based as the NY Times article?


To a lot of us Americans, probably the majority (the gun nuts are just louder), we feel the same way.
Aside, also what kind of person takes a gun to where he claims a vicious dog is with the intent to use it on the dog if the dog attacks….as some posters here have suggested. Confront them someplace else where the dog isn’t if you are afraid of the dog. Or don’t get out of your car until the dog is locked or tied up. BigMama1, this second paragraph is not directed at you!


This has been chewed over so many times on these threads. At this point I think I’ll wait for the trial for more info.


Because even if they claim the dog is tied up, crated, in the house…whatever…
Dogs get loose.
IF … The vicious dog being a danger to anyone who goes near the house thus keeping people away from the house to evict them is kinda how they end up squatting longer.


100% this, and same for confronting the people you claim are crazy and dangerous and threatening you. If that’s the case, probably a good idea to not go to their house at all, let alone with a gun, right?


Who’s house? I know - semantics.


The house they were living in and he was not. Seriously, if you are claiming someone is so dangerous that you call 911 repeatedly during the week to get help removing them from your property, staying away from them sounds pretty reasonable.

We know the three of them were the only people at the scene. We know they lived there and he didn’t, so we know he’s the one who got in his truck and went to their place. If it turns out that he is the one who brought the gun to the scene, then it’s pretty hard to see how he could deny legal responsibility for what happened. If it turns out Lauren or her boyfriend actually was in possession of the gun, then they share responsibility for what happened with him. But it still wouldn’t have happened if he just stayed away from them and let his lawyers handle it.


I was under the impression MB HAD been living there but fled. And as such it’s his house both by action and deed.

Going there was an act of passion and not one made with good judgment. Whether he brought the gun remains to seen and if he did WHY he brought it there remains to be seen. We just don’t know whether he was an unsteady guy brought to bad decision by design OR if he’s a son of a bitch vengeful wannabe killer - or somewhere in between. We just don’t know yet.


Either way does it make a difference if he’s the one who brought the gun? He went to them. He instigated the situation that day which led to LK being shot.

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I guess the thought that if one should not go near someone who is scary to them, even if they are living in your house and you have been given the job to remove them from it, then shouldn’t that same thought apply to someone who claims they are scared of their horse trainer and has been given many offers to remove their horses and get them out of there that refuses to leave?


Absolutely. Especially when dozens of people publicly offer to help move you and your horses.But at the time she was shot, she wasn’t the one confronting him. She didn’t seek him out and go to him.

My point is that he had options. So in terms of a defence it’s going to be tough to claim he HAD to go to the house at that particular moment, and that he HAD to bring a gun (if he did).


Given the specifics of this case with MB being told it was his job to remove unwanted tenants I wouldn’t be so quick to condemn him for going there because we do not know in what mindset he went there. Every day lots of landlords have uncomfortable conversations with folks they want gone without a shooting taking place.

Now if he went there and got emotional and outside sanity and went all Karen, that would be bad. But we just don’t know.

I’ve had more than one uncomfortable and possibly volatile conversation without it going all stupid. Given he was a successful person of note in his sport who wasn’t known as a thug with a criminal record it seems plausible that maybe his initial intent was to have a stern conversation. But maybe not. And that’s my point, we are missing all the facts to render any narrative as truth with any certainty.


But… it does apply because I think the time line at that point had MB still living in his house. She confronted him quite a bit after that.

I do not disagree that he most certainly did not have to go to his house at that moment. Though, he was given the job of getting the house emptied by code official so he had to go there at some point.


Or if they had left where they clearly were not wanted and had posted how afraid they were of the big bad man! So afraid they installed illegal surveillance equipment! If they had a claim against Barisone, perhaps they were the ones who should have had daddy handle it legally!!!


HE instigated the situation? Give me a break! Was “he” the one who caused CPS to come to the property under false pretenses?


Read clearly. I said on the day LK was shot. Not that he instigated the whole situation that led up to it. We have no idea what his actual role there was, but we do know how LK contributed to it, from her own words. But the incident in which she was shot began with him seeking her out, him getting in his truck and driving to where she was. He didn’t have to be there at that moment. Nobody forced him to be there, and certainly not it forced him to bring a gun, if he did. So from a defence standpoint I’m just saying it’s going to be hard to claim he was provoked into shooting her when he’s the one who sought her out that day.


So did she.


Anyone can call me a Barisone fangirl all they want. My truth is I know this woman’s history with her bully sidekick and it is truly a miracle someone hadn’t gone after her previously. But, of course, she wasn’t squatting on their property and terrorizing them 24/7 in person for days on end. It is obvious from her frequent attacking public posts coupled with her threatening messages that this woman hasn’t changed, isn’t going to change, and enjoys her terror games.

My flame suit is zipped up so let the barrage of attacks begin.


It is apparent the arrival and interrogation by CPS was the straw that broke the camel’s back. As I have said previously, CPS was not aware of where Barisone was on that day and logically stopped at the house to speak to him. How convenient for the duo to be aware the manure was going to hit the BigAss Fans once CPS confronted MB and MH. Imagine the surprise of the CPS investigators when they were informed of RG’s attack on two minors!

Yes, something horrible happened at that farm that day. I simply am not gullible enough to choke on Rob’s versions of events.