Court date for Michael Barisone?

LK announced this week “she” has purchased a house in FL and listed all the renovations she will have RG perform. Obviously protecting any assets she has. For some odd reason she indicated she is keeping a rental house in NC. Interesting.

Goody for all the neighbors.

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There was a lot of pressure, it seems, being applied to MB.
Besides the stressors of owning your own business, working on a farm, training riders, managing staff… Whatever he was personally involved with, we all know that alone is stressful enough.
Add in family, kids, staff feeling endangered, helplessness at alleviating any of the pressure of this relationship gone wrong through proper channels (ie legally, through alerting LE to escalation, etc)…

And then allegedly CPS gets called. Because that also was a choice. Why would anyone make that choice, while in a volatile situation in which authorities have clearly told you to clear out, why, why, why would you then choose to pick up that phone and make that call?
How would anyone expect the person- already feeling immense pressure applied- would respond/react? Shooting you? Well, I mean, read her Facebook posts detailing how afraid of him she appears to have claimed to be.

There’s plenty of responsibility to go around, imo, from the few facts we do know.
If you shouldn’t go talk to the person you have a problem with after LE left it to you to get them off the property… I’d suggest it is also ill advised to report the other party to CPS after threats have had you posting in fear on social media for all to see.

Where it “started” is not clearly defined to me.


Are we even sure Barisone brought the gun? Seems the police reports may not be reliable and LK’s version can’t be trusted.
I had a tenant who was like a cross between LK and Trump. Caused much trouble for my other tenants, including an assault that he sued them for, before I got him out. If LK says Barisone brought the gun and attacked her, I wouldn’t doubt for a moment that she or her boyfriend had the gun, and Barisone struggled with them for it. It will be interesting to find out the actual facts someday, if we are able to.


Your scenario was my first version as well. But my mind is open for everything to turn out to have been done differently


This really isn’t a high profile case. No one died, and MB may be known to some Dressage enthusiasts but he’s not well known otherwise.

It will be interesting to see if the NYT follows up when this is over.


I would think attempted murder is a big deal in this area of the world.

I was thinking of the case from a national perspective. I can see where it would be a big deal locally.

No. So far we only have LK’s word for that.


Nothing is “apparent” because 99% of what we think we know comes from LK’s version of events.


I definitely didn’t mean to imply this is nearly high profile. :grinning:

I say “apparent” because he went to his home to see/confront them while CPS was still on the property. He may have stormed up to the house with the intention of demanding they come to discuss the alleged abuse with the CPS investigators. Who knows?! He walked out of the lounge, got into his dually and drove to the house. The next thing anyone at the barn knew was the arrival of police and ambulances.

I either did not know or had forgotten that part. I was thinking CPS had left, and then he went to the house.

And if CPS was still on the property, I wonder what they thought of the situation once the ambulance and police showed up.


No one at the barn was aware of anything. A police officer came to the barn and announced no one could leave and wouldn’t say more (probably one of the same officers who had responded to the numerous 911 calls!). The people at the barn learned what had happened by watching the local TV news while they waited!

Sure blows the premeditated theory out the window IMO.


I think that the idea LK had the gun and there was a scuffle is unlikely because if so, that would probably be raised right at the time of arrest as self defense.

That doesn’t mean it was premeditated.

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It doesn’t have to be premeditated to show intent. If he chose to confront them, if he chose to bring a gun, and if he chose to pull the trigger, hard to say there was no intent. These are all “ifs” until we actually know what’s proven in court.


Maybe self defense was raised. None of us know, especially since MB says he has no memory of the shooting.

All that is required is reasonable doubt.


Wow!!! :hushed:

How long did they have to sit at the barn?

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Several hours I believe. It was dark when they were released as I recall. All had to be interviewed, etc. Keep in mind this probably also included barn workers, family, friends of boarders, boarders, etc.

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And CPS workers? You’re saying the CPS workers were at the barn when this went down? So CPS workers were detained as well. They certainly can testify to why they were there.


Wow again. :hushed:

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