Court date for Michael Barisone?

At the time of this article, the judge wasn’t going to admit CP&P’s findings that the child abuse charges were unfounded. Perhaps since then MB’s attorney has found a way to admit them into evidence. The following is the judge’s comment from the article.

Bilinkas told the judge that the state’s Division of Child Protection & Permanency had determined accusations Kanarek made about Barisone being involved in child abuse were unfounded. It was after a visit by a CP&P investigator that Barisone clashed with Kanarek and Goodwin.

The judge said he didn’t find CP&P’s decision relevant or admissible.

“It’s a different agency with a different mission,” he commented, saying it’s an opinion of a social worker. “We don’t know whether they have all the evidence.”


But if you can call them as witnesses, having been detained there with other witnesses right after the shooting…?


I live locally. Anyone who is not in the industry has no idea who MB is and those in the industry aren’t talking about it.


I would think so. I bet they got an earful from the people at the barn about the situation.


That’s probably an understatement.

Plus they could certainly testify as to whatever MB said or did as he walked out the door and headed to his truck.


A smart lawyer can sway the testimony in such a way that the jury can hear it.


Interesting. I don’t remember hearing that CPS was still in the barn or barn apartment when the shooting happened.

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I was surprised that the judge thought it irrelevant. I would think it is but I’m neither a judge or lawyer.


I meant that a shooting could be a big deal locally depending upon where you live. Any shooting, no matter who was involved. It seemed from the posts here that it is uncommon in your area for people to be shot. Is that true?


It’s not common for people to be shot in Long Valley, NJ but it is considered to be the greater NYC area and we get NYC news so it wasn’t widely publicized.


The flooding and tornadoes are probably taking up quite a bit of space in the papers right now, and I’m sure there will be other things for the press to cover when this is resolved.

Hope you and yours didn’t have any damage from the weather.


Totally different situation, but I live in an area that shootings are uncommon enough to make the news when they happen, but they will then fall off the radar entirely, to maybe make the news again when a judgement or plea deal is made.

There was a quite dramatic shooting/murder in the middle of the afternoon a couple of years ago in the middle of one of our busiest roads over a road rage incident. It got talked about for a couple of days just due to the drama and lack of those types of incidents here, but until he was sentenced, outside of the people involved I don’t think it was a major source of discussion. I never heard anything about it outside of the trial outcomes.

So, I think it is because we have continued to discuss it here, based on the notoriety of MB and the continued participation and online behavior of LK, it seems like it should be a much bigger deal than it is in relation to everything else going on in the world.


That is pretty much how it goes where I live.

I’m sure there were several people in the barn and on the property who have not been named in public posts. Perhaps they are part of the additional twenty LK claimed in her suit just to cover all her bases. :wink:


Can any of the civ pro/court/legal experts following along explain this? Is this scattershot approach to naming defendants typically seen and, if so, in what circumstances? I could see a couple of unknowns under certain conditions. However, strategically speaking, 20+ John and Jane Does seems odd to the point of meaningless to the uninitiated. Can anyone take us for a quick canter through the procedure and reasoning there?


I’ve seen it in situations where the names are not all known like in eviction proceedings including mortgage foreclosure and in some lawsuits including company versions of John/Jane Doe like ABC Corp on the Civil side.

Defendants are always named in Criminal cases.


That situation does make sense. I wonder why, in this case, would they want to try to capture a whole bunch of people they don’t know? Do they think that the working students, for example, who happened to be there at the time have some responsibility? That seems highly unlikely.

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Would it have anything to do with a statue of limitations to file a civil suit against someone?

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Well, remember they seemed to think there was a huge conspiracy to murder them based on the illegal surveillance tapes. And yet, they stayed.


I think I was able to extrude the possibility that she bought the house, but will renovate it before moving into it. That may be what she meant by keeping a house (rental) in NC for a year, and wouldn’t be into the new house right away.

Question: how does buying a house preserve assets? Assuming her father purchased this for her. As she has never appeared to have money, how is putting an asset into her hands preserving assets? Unless of course this is in his name. Not hers, as is likely.