Court date for Michael Barisone?

We don’t know that it’s Lauren and speculating can lead to a mod slap or a thread lockdown.


I’d love to know what happened in the hearing or what has been posted here since last Friday to cause long lost posters to grace the thread with their comments.

As far as self defense/insanity/whatever plea, I would think someone of Bilinkas’ caliber knows what he’s doing. By the way, pleas can be changed at any time.

Has anyone here been contacted by 48 Hours? Maybe I will be a prime participant since I am president of, what was it, some Murder Club! Sounds like an Agatha Christie idea!


True, sorry. Will delete.


No need to apologize, I simply thought I’d mention it before we incurred further Mod ire or worse - wrath! :wink:

Plus you can edit it to reflect the user name.


Why is it being assumed his shirt was removed? There is no proof he even had a shirt. You can’t just assume these things and comment them as fact. Too many posters in this thread do this. Follow the stated facts.

Now being suggested by a poster the magazine was placed on him like some sort of framing job? That’s hilarious. Denial is strong in here.


Doesn’t work that way. Self defense is an immediate and imminent danger to your life. Can’t use it for gun charges like that.

They could maybe use it that because of his mental state, he wasn’t able to determine WHAT is exactly a true and real threat. Maybe he thought his life was in danger even though it truly wasn’t, but they use the NCR to explain that.


Of course. A top caliber dressage trainer parades around his facility shirtless with several clients present. Certainly, that fits the scenario.

Glad the fan girls have been called back into action. That didn’t take long.


Yes Cantering Carrot, supposedly I work for COTH. Still waiting on a damn paycheck. Winter is coming, hay prices are high, and these ponies never stop eating!

Now off to worry about SafeSport and USEF hunting me down!



Not necessary at all. So anyone who wants FACTS and not biased rants non stop is going to get hate on? Grow up seriously.

I’m not sure how MB lives his life, or what he was up to that night. I simply said YOU DON’T KNOW so DON’T ASSUME and dont state as fact.

Do top dressage trainers shoot people? Not normally but look where we are.

Just because you think you know everything, doesn’t mean you do. That’s not how trials work, thankfully.


It happened during the day. I seriously doubt he was running around half dressed, especially just having dealt with CPS.


I guess one has to decide who’s “facts” they want to believe. You seem to forget there were many other people on the property that day.


Is that scenario really any weirder than top caliber dressage trainer shoots client?


No more so than two squatters causing havoc and terror at a facility they have been told to leave.

The trial will be interesting if it gets that far.


As a top caliber dressage trainer, wouldn’t LK have been paying more than 10k per month for board, training, lessons for 4 horses, plus the travel to shows, all associated fees, etc? And that trainer/client relationship went on for a year or 2? That’s some serious cash to MB, hardly squatters. As a top caliber trainer, you’d think he would have been more professional than to let a situation escalate to the degree that it did. Unless it did spiral out of control in less than 2 weeks. If his mental state was so bad for quite some time, he probably had no business taking on paying clients. As for the shirt thing, if he was raging and insane, perhaps he ran out to his truck without getting fully dressed. Some raging insane people end up running around fully naked.


yeah its unlikely but that’s not the point. If you follow trials and crime news…you know crazy and weird things always happen. Makes no sense to try and piece a story together of made up parts when you don’t have the facts.


Are you saying you have your information from someone who witnessed this then?


exactly…so running around shirtless isn’t all that crazy in the grand scheme of hidden cameras, affairs, horses, lies, money…etc


Hmm….must have hit a nerve with the shirt thing……guess we got it right. Usually the song and dance is to get you to look away when your poking the right spot….


You’ve never met or associated with LK/RG have you? Seems a trail of unpleasantness is in their wake.

