Court date for Michael Barisone?

Understood :wink:

I agree this attorney is very savvy. He knows the police reports and testimony will be very damaging so he is working hard to discredit them or keeping them from being admitted into evidence. Also to keep out anything MB said to incriminate himself.
Don’t think there is any argument there was an altercation and injuries occurred. Prosecutor will most likely say this fight occurred after LK was shot when her fiancĂ© tried to stop MB from further violence, based on reports that when police arrived MB was on the ground with the gun under him, pinned down by the fiancĂ©. Unfortunately MB cannot tell a difference story as he says he does not remember what happen. I am not surprised MB was injured when you have two large men, one fighting for his fiancĂ© life and his own, the other still with the gun. My opinion MB was lucky he was not more seriously injured in the fight and that he was stopped, he could be on trial for murder instead.
Early article stated police initially cuffed both men. Seems first concern while or after getting the men and gun under control would be the gunshot victim. I don’t see that the police did anything wrong here, they acted quickly and probably saved LK’s life. Both men were eventually taken to the hospital and treated. Don’t believe either had an extended stay in the hospital or had life threatening injuries, but idk. According to a poster here (that claims to be in the know) apparently at some time MB received fentanyl ketamine and was out for 6hrs. Interestingly these drugs can be given for patients who are combative and require rapid-acting pharmacologic restraint to ensure the safety of responders, law enforcement and the patient themselves.


Yet here you are doing the same thing! Pot meet kettle!


Just an aside: In a recent USDF Connections article, Olympian Allison Brock references MB saying he, “‘gave me confidence. He took my technical knowledge and helped me feel like I belonged in the ring.’”

Sounds like a nice guy.


Sort of random question- how did the police cuff RG if he had a broken arm?


you are assuming that A) the checks cleared on time, and B) that the client behaved.
And once asked/told to vacate the property, yes the term squatter applies.

As to the rest, pure speculation at best


Show me where I did that


I remember not long ago a lot of people saying the same thing about Rich Fellers and George Morris
Ted Bundy. Point being a lot of criminals are “nice guys”.


Many scenarios are plausible.


You’re assuming alot.
The prices. That they pay in cash and not in services (ie supposed repairs to the flooded house come to mind)

IF those horses and humans weren’t paying anything, or much due to some trade that wasn’t working out
 and if they were harassing people on the farm,
 I can see that distressing the primaries of the business/facility.


If he was known for going around shirtless for no obvious reason (haying) and when important people are on site (CPS, clients, student, etc) that’s something that might hit the ol rumor mill.


Which would frankly be a fools errand if in fact their full, thorough reports, made contemporaneously were available to refute the allegations made.
That would be really stupid to do.


This was stated in the hearing and it given for pain. Neither cop stated MB was combative.


Yes but not go on and on about this shirt thing
 :joy: but I mean, it could be a random thing that happened that night. I’m very interested now in finding out when the trial occurs if he was indeed wearing a shirt when he arrived there lol

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What night?


Seems that it is you obsessed with the shirt. It was also mentioned several times in the hearing (MB not having a shirt, noticeable injuries, and covered in blood).


Reminder that it was LK herself bragging and insisting she beat MB in the eyes and head AFTER she was shot, so hard she broke her phone. Perhaps the person she was on the phone with can clear that up for us. So far we have a dog, LK, RG all fighting an armed MB. Uh-huh.


I don’t think anyone has ever accused George Morris of being “nice”. :wink:


Nope. Never.


I just received word, on good authority, MB was wearing a nondescript tshirt when he left the barn. Of course we can begin arguing if he pulled over in the driveway and removed it, or we can put this matter to rest.