Court date for Michael Barisone?

If only the footage from the illegal surveillance cameras had not mysteriously disappeared, there would be evidence about whether he had a shirt on when he arrived at the scene.


Dude relax there is no reason for your hostility simply because I commented about wanting facts. For real, I get it if you have a ā€œsideā€ but donā€™t let that side make you angry over things that are not worth being angry over!

Iā€™m not sure how you canā€™t understand itā€™s not about the shirt. Itā€™s about posters on here claiming things as fact or drumming up wild theories and singing them as truth with things they are simply guessing or assuming happened.


I mean I can say the exact same thing but without proof or confirmation from LE or media itā€™s just a statement from a supporter.

But I believe you have an inside connection so Iā€™ll take that into consideration :wink:


:joy: :joy:

Did no one recover it?

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I wonder why you read her response as angry and hostile.


It was the ā€œseems its you thatā€™s obsessed with the shirtā€ that did it for me.


Well after all I AM the president of the club! :wink:


:joy: :joy: :joy: I appreciate the laughs


I know of a H/J trainer that doesā€¦Iā€™m sure many on this forum would recognize the family name but I wonā€™t go there. :joy:


Some posters do that about any post that they do not agree with. Clearly it is agree with them, or hostility.


Sadly there was a whole group of them on FB doing this!


They were the anti-Safe Sport group defending him against his Safe Sport lifetime ban, but no one else has really described him as ā€œniceā€. See all of the GM threads here. :grinning:


George could be very nice to some people, though for all the wrong reasons. He was very charming and persuasive, when he knew that his Queen George shtick wouldnā€™t or couldnā€™t get him what he wanted. He was said to be very nice and friendly towards the boys he wanted to add to his stables or wanted direct physical access to - before he abused them - and anyone who had influence over a boy he took interest in was the recipient of friendly promises of favors down the line.


Iā€™ve been here! Iā€™ve seen them! I definitely saw many supporters about what a wonderful man he is, but that was on Facebook, not hereā€¦ :face_vomiting:

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Men take off shirts to sop up blood.


Really? Whose blood would he have been sopping up?

Or t-shirts are pulled off during struggles.

Maybe photos of the scene will show this shirt.

Iā€™m not sure how the shirt plays into anything but Bilinkas brought it up at least twice that I recall when questioning the cop about MBā€™s injuries and all the blood on him. The cop insisted he could not tell how badly he was hurt because he was covered in blood. Strange.

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Grooming by a sexual predator doesnā€™t count as being ā€œniceā€.


Like, I have a passing interest in this situation after all this time, and will pick it back up when thereā€™s something newā€¦but some of yā€™all come off as obsessed based on the sheer volume of your posts. 20+ posts per day over multiple days? hundreds of them? Just ā€¦why?

Just a little weird to me. Shrug.


I thought that it has been posted that the camera on the residence was not recording at the time of the shooting, or was that just LK who stated that?

Is there a statement somewhere as to whether that camera was or was not recording at the time?

That is the point that @MHM was making. That strangely enough, the one time the recording of that camera matters it mysteriously was ā€œnot workingā€ after the father and the boyfriend entered the house the day after everything happened.

In other words, people are guessing/assuming that camera was working just fine but some how that evidence vanished so the police could not see what really happened.