Court date for Michael Barisone?

I don’t have occasion to use security cameras, but I imagined that in this day and age, a surveillance camera would create a digital record, and save it to the cloud, to be accessed by a cell phone or computer.

If that is the technology, then there would be no point in entering the house. If the cops did not confiscate all the cell phones, laptops, and iPads of all the principals at the scene, then the cops screwed up, indeed.

If a recording was saved in the cloud, I would think there would be evidence of its existence, even if someone tried or succeeded in deleting it.

Could be anybody’s blood. MB could have used the shirt to wipe away blood burning into his eyes from his head wounds, or maybe he stuffed LKs bleeding wounds. We just don’t know at this juncture.


Before RG attacks him?

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Maybe. Fistfights have ebbs and flows. Guys who are wrestling can have moments when they step back and then attack again. Like those ram Bighorn sheep. MB could have had the shirt pulled off in the tussle or removed it to soak up blood or to deprive RG something to hold on to or get choked with. Fights take on a life of their own. It could have happened any number of ways and maybe didn’t start with gunshots even.


Could the attorney possibly be using the insanity plea to explain that MB does not remember the event to the jury? As a juror, I would wonder what the defendant had to say about it. Maybe that help explains why they would not be given his version of events.

The shirt thing is weird. If he was covered in blood, I surprised he was able to keep a hold of the gun. I would think your hands might lose grip of it if they were slick with blood. Who knows at this point.

Edited for correction-the article said the attorney was going to use insanity as well as self defense NOT insanity plea as I originally said.

That was part of the repeated questioning of one of the cops at the hearing…questioning the cop about whether he noticed the injuries to MB’s face, head, torso, and left arm. The cop’s reply was he didn’t know he was seriously injured. When the cop was asked if MB said he was in pain, the cop responded, “I think so”. He testified MB was on his knees handcuffed and he helped him to RG’s nearby utility trailer to sit on the running board, obviously still handcuffed.

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All of the speculation, I suppose, is common in such a bizarre criminal case.

I know nothing about this incident, however I would guess, from what has been posted here (by people with more interest and knowledge than I have) that temporary insanity or diminished capacity would be a more likely defense than an actual insanity defense.

In court, proving insanity is an extremely high bar. There have been many instances of people whom are quite mad with uncontrolled schizophrenia, being convicted of murder when they should have been declared insane.

The legal definition of insanity is so completely different from an actual psychiatric diagnosis.

I would expect that diminished capacity, not “insanity”, would be the plea in this instance. Then again, I am not up on N.J. law.


I wonder why the same group that comes here regularly to tell us ‘how dare you speculate’ is not in the Gabby Petito thread saying the same thing?
Lots of true crime speculation going on there.


I haven’t seen the thread you are mentioning but I think perhaps there may be more people interested in this subject because it is semi-horse related. :slightly_smiling_face:


I believe what @trubandloki means is that the same people who are wagging fingers about speculation in this thread are, themselves, speculating wildly on the Gabby Petito thread (along with many others) yet that is okay - the implication being, why the double standard?


You are really not non-biased.


Ted Bundy, really. Also, comparing Barisone to Fellers and Morris seems again to be extraordinarily biased. At the very least, it is a shabby rhetorical trick.


Yes, but I am assuming there was no testimony about RG, who supposedly had his arm broken so badly he required surgery.

I know it was stated in this hearing that both MB and RG were handcuffed by police. Wouldn’t it have been 1) extremely difficult for the police to handcuff a man with a broken arm, and 2) incredibly painful and cruel to RG???


never mind that Barisone has no record as far as I know, and has yet to be convicted.
So calling him a ‘crimina’ is lible and slander (I think the two overlap a little in the written medium?)

Edited to fix spelling


Elaborate please


Point being many criminals are called “nice guys” when they aren’t. It’s literally a part of their game for many of them.


LOL sure

Also, men take their shirts off before they fight. That is a very common thing.


Who? What posts? Name names. I’m not seeing this.


Well if GP was alive and was reading those threads and if the people on this board were mocking her and antagonizing her too id be “waving my finger” over there too.

I love how me saying “hey maybe don’t antagonize the shooting victim” still has you guys SO butthurt MONTHS later.


You would have to ask trubandloki, not me. I did not write that post, I merely gave my interpretation.

However, if you look at the finger waggers and then look at the Pepito thread, you can search their posts there and see that they have no issue with speculation on a real crime story. I have had a quick skim of that thread (which I had not seen before today) and I can easily see at least one finger wagger speculating a great deal, which I think is fine as it’s a true-crime discussion thread like this one. I’m sure in the ~500 posts in that thread there are even more than the ones I’ve seen.

With all due respect, I don’t appreciate being barked at to “name names” and I don’t run searches at other people’s command, so if you want names you will need to find them yourself.