Court date for Michael Barisone?

Huh? Who is “butt hurt”?


@Equkelly - what a shrill and vulgar reaction to my merely interpreting another person’s posts. Please leave me out of your histrionics and juvenile insults.

As a mother of middle schoolers, until today, I honestly hadn’t encountered use of that particular term outside of groups of middle school boys. :face_vomiting:


I have said nothing about shirts or otherwise.
I was commenting on the characterization as ‘criminal’

And at this point, it is speculation as to what happened to the shirt?
There are several plausible scenarios, of which I believe, him taking it off to go to see his ‘tenents’ is the least likely one.
You know the things that don’t jive with the knowledge about the players.

But carry on.


It’s literally in the oxford dictionary. It means “ overly or unjustifiably offended or resentful

Lol at the irony though :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Carry on.


Just because it’s in the Oxford dictionary doesn’t discount it being vulgar and crude.

But carry on…


and actually rather homophobic.


Must be a slow news day if THIS is what you guys are clutching your pearls over today. Good lord.


well seems you are equally bored.
I, for one are saddling up and go riding.
Well, running errants, but hey.
Got a shed and greenhouse kit coming in today, so I need to do some stuff.

And yeah, crude is crude.
and this is not the community to throw out crude insults.
It ain’t Call of Duty.


Not sure where you live, but I live in the Dirty South, and we don’t see shirtless men fist fighting on a daily basis. Hell, I am well over 50 years old, raised in a household with brothers and male cousins, and I have never witnessed fighting like that.

Maybe you are thinking of the movies???


Would it satisfy your agenda if Barisone was referred to as “the target” rather the assumption he was the victim of a predator? Because, indeed, he was both a target and victim.

Here’s the thing…no one is forced to post here or even read this thread.


well, in Hockey they pull the gloves off…the opponent usually grabs the jersey…


Let me know when the hockey players start skating half dressed! :rofl:


Actually, I read trubandloki’s post as asking why the people in this thread (Jealoushe?) complaining about speculation re Barisone were NOT making the same complaint in the Gabby thread. I don’t think she claimed that the same posters were both complaining about speculation here and indulging in speculation elsewhere.

It seems to me that a certain amount of speculation is fair game in a discussion board, but I don’t see a double standard from any particular posters.

It’s your post that adds the claim that it’s “the same people” who are “wagging fingers” at speculators in this thread and “are, themselves, speculating wildly on the Gabby Petito thread”. I don’t think that’s a fair characterization of Jealoushe.


Whether people were “mocking her and antagonizing her” would likely very much depend on what she posted and how she comported herself when addressing posts on the board.

It is possible to post a reasoned response to comments you disagree with, and then WALK AWAY. Not devolve into incoherent rants and threats both on the board and in messages. If LK had only come on here and said, “I understand how this is an outrageous and unimaginable situation. I’m slowly recovering. There is much speculation that is false here, but due to ongoing legal proceedings I cannot publicly comment. Please respect my privacy while I recover and wait for the legal proceedings for answers to your questions.” there likely would have been a much smaller discussion, particularly about her behavior as told by people who know her in real life, over the last two years.

And for the record, I am not “butt hurt” either.


I didn’t make a characterisation about Jealoushe, so I’m confused by your response. It was my generalised interpretation given posts I saw from two other posters here. That is all. But I agree, the lack of condemning speculation on there by folks who condemn it here is probably the more conservative and straightforward interpretation.


Sorry i didn’t mean to offend, I just think to make those statements you should just give examples. I was in that thread and must have just scrolled by.


This hearing had new news. Perhaps that is why some posters show back up to comment, I mean how many times can one point out outright victim shaming before becoming very annoying.
I am not sure why who is posting and when gets some people so concerned they have to comment like it means anything else. Most people here don’t feel they need to rehash the same stories for years now about how horrible a person LK is or that MB is the real victim. I leave y’all to enjoy doing that…
It is appreciated when real new information is pointed out so I will give you thanks for that Madam President.
Enjoy riding these beautiful fall days!



I saw fights weekly…and more in highschool.

I partied a lot in my 20s…I saw fights every Fri/Sat night…I actually saw a fight yesterday on the street down town in the City I work in.

I have probably seen over 50 fist fights at least in my life. At LEAST LOL

I’m in Ontario Canada, where the men are emotionally stunted :slight_smile:


No worries! :v:

I was going to message you something but I cannot seem to work out how to. If you like, feel free to message me.

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That also is not uncommon after a fight…or before! LOL