Court date for Michael Barisone?

Pmd you! I think when your profile is hidden like mine and yours you have to go to your own profile, and start a message and search the person to message them.

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I haven’t posted on the “Gabby” thread. Didn’t know there was one.


No, you didn’t name Jealoushe specifically. But, unlike the post of trubandloki, you asserted that unnamed posters had a double standard of criticizing speculation on this thread while speculating wildly on the Gabby Petito thread. Since Jealoushe was the primary poster critiquing speculation on this thread, it was understandable that she thought you were accusing her of the double standard.

On the one hand, I don’t have a problem with a certain amount of speculation on any thread. On the other hand, I think it’s ridiculous to require or expect someone who criticizes speculation here to go on every other crime thread and condemn it on each thread.

Perhaps you should clarify that you were not referring to her.


Minor cuts on the head often bleed heavily because the face and scalp have many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. Although this amount of bleeding may be alarming, many times the injury is not severe.

Shirts get torn off during fights.

Man arresting being brought into the hospital in cuffs after allegedly committing a violent crime possible could be subdued chemically before removing restrains. Putting a patient out for 6 hrs for pain seems a bit overkill.


I admit I am clueless on this whole topic but the way I understand it is not that someone was put out for six hours for pain, but that someone was given chemicals for pain and it takes six hours before that dose is out of their system enough that anything they say can be considered coherent.

Willing to admit that I might be misunderstanding it.


I’m sorry, but it is extremely difficult to actually get pain medicine these days, even for legitimate causes such as broken bones. If the hospital gave him that caliber of drug for pain, then I’m forced to believe that he was indeed in that much pain


Huh! And here I thought Canadians were much more civilized than Americans!


Well, we don’t know how MB was behaving once brought to the hospital, but if he was cuffed, I would seriously doubt they sedated him to calm him down. It actually puts the hospital staff at more risk to attempt to sedate someone who is already out of control.


Both cops testified he kept repeating he was in great pain at the trauma center. His left arm was distorted from the elbow to his hand.

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Plus I would have thought the Canadians would keep their shirts on in the colder weather!


Maybe Canadians only fight in the summer so that they can tear their shirts off.




He being MB?

Funny, because I will stand behind any post I have made anywhere on COTH. I have never made any post with the intent to “antagonize the shooting victim”, yet she has come after me, more than once with her threats and attempts to intimidate.

Believe me when I say no one is “butthurt” over you Equkelly!


So is the “F bomb”, which I personally use at least 100 times daily. That does not mean it is not offensive to some, and I am mannerly enough to gauge my audience before dropping it.

Just as I would not use the word f**k in front of my small grandchildren, I would prefer they not hear “butthurt” either.


If I’m lumped into that wagging group, I’m not sure. This case feels like garden variety crackerbox squatter woman and a landlord at his wits end.

The Gabby case is a more compelling story to get sucked into (imo, obvi). So, for any one poster to devote 20+ posts per day (not 20 in total by all posters) is
 curious to me.


I will jokingly add that the men mopping up blood made me chuckle. My husband can’t clean up a bathroom sink after shaving; who are these fastidious fistacuffers???


Really don’t see anyone “butthurt” in here
but okkk :woman_shrugging:


Watch Slapshot.


I looked up butt hurt. I do not think it means what you think it means. No need to be offended by the word. Your mind went someplace else.
It’s the butt, the place that gets sore sometimes when you ride.