Court date for Michael Barisone?

Welcome back! I hope you reported your troubling experience to the moderators.


If weā€™ve learned anything the past two weeks it is we should always report to the moderators any harassing, threatening, or ā€œinvestigativeā€ messages we receive! And once the report is made, mark the individual to ā€œignoreā€. None of us should have to put up with harassment and threats!


x-halt, so glad you are back!!!


Can someone fill us in on WHO is blocked from seeing or participating in this thread?
Initials are fine.
I stopped posting on the other MB thread after receiving several 'very uncomfortable, creepy,
threatening PMs. I also deleted most of my posts so as not to end up being quoted in a legal
case. I didnā€™t report them but did put poster on ā€˜ignoreā€™. The poster came across as unstable.


I believe a lot of people (including me) received PMs from LalaPopRider, who is one of the victims in the Barisone shooting. I donā€™t know if she has CE access or not.

The poster who recently got banned from CE for taking the time to deduce who a member is IRL, looking up their info and sharing it is YankeeDuchess.


Join the clubā€“looks like we are a sizeable crew.


Recently, LK has suddenly and inexplicably decided to like my posts. I am pretty sure the timing gels with the other thread. Ugh. That said.,. I donā€™t back her and I donā€™t take a stance. I literally said she might be BSC but if she wasnā€™t violent, then she did not deserve the outcome, I find it odd that LK is ā€œlikingā€ my posts, but whatever.

What I do give a sh** about is the nastiness of a certain person here. That person clearly has an axe to grind. Why are we giving that person breathing room? Is it because dressage divas tolerate bullshit? Color me confused. Go love your horses. Ignore humans. Get on with your lives. Jesusā€¦


How very revealing it is that a poster s so very threatened by the possibility of the upcoming trial that she resorted to messaging other posters threatening them with legal action unless they deleted or edited their posts!!!

Thank goodness there are some who have archived the threads in their entirety for legal reasons since the beginning. These threads might be valuable to defense attorneys!


PS am a jumper nearby who has never done dressage!

Well the crazy part is that she ā€˜liked ALL my postsā€™. It was when I deleted them all that she got really CRAZY. Iā€™m a true crime buff and my posts were all pretty objective . I suspect she wanted to use some of our forum comments in her case.


She liked all of mine, and I was disturbed. And I literally said ā€œshe might be bat guano crazy, but she didnā€™t deserve this.ā€ And I stand by that. B**** might be cray, but she doesnā€™t deserve to be shot. Thought that then. Think that now. Regardless of what @eggbutt et al want me to think. I will maintain that as crazy as she may be, she does not deserve what she got. End of.


Can you post the user initials of the person who messaged you with threats?

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The victim, LK.


Has ANYONE said ANYONE deserved to be shot? Several have said she pushed the situation to the point of dangerous.


Iā€™m certainly no legal expert, but isnā€™t there an online archive somewhere with all the forum posts, regardless of whether they were subsequently deleted? And wouldnā€™t that archive be available for legal proceedings?


Is that Herman Munster? :slightly_smiling_face:

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I believe so.

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You know whatā€¦these threads have been going well and adding value without LK/YD BS. Walk on by.


Pushed how? With pitchforks? With firearms? Color me confused.

I too received post likes and PMā€™s from LK.

I believe I got some from YD some time back too.

Do I need the disclaimer or can we just assume that it exists with out having to add it time and time again?