Court date for Michael Barisone?

Now that you mention it, why hasn’t LK posted on this thread?

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A lady that rides in clinics that I ride in recently had to move her horses from a barn due to the professional relationship between her and the BO deteriorating. She was concerned about a confrontation so she arranged for a commercial hauler to come at a time when she knew the BO would not be there.

After the horses were moved, she had her attorney contact the BO to inform them the horses were moved and any future contact had to go through the attorney.

This woman forfeited about 1 1/2 months board for each horse with her notice that she was leaving. She also had copies of her invoices with copies of her payment so no one could claim she still owed money.

To avoid a tragedy that occurred in the MB situation, does anyone have any other legal related suggestions that have helped them avoid a contentious situation such as precautions they have taken or contract wording either as a BO or an owner?

When I did board, it was my goal to keep my horse in a safe environment and in a mutually respectful relationship with the barn owner. I have an overly dramatic mare and that is all the drama I want in my life.


If the OP has her blocked, I don’t believe LK can even see this thread.
Is that right???

I just assumed that she received a private final warning from the moderator to stay away after it was publicly shown she was threatening posters with lawsuits….


I do not have her blocked. I’ve actually never blocked anyone. Perhaps this would be a good time?


Wow, so many messages, threats, and “likes”. FWIW, I think some of the “likes” were ways to easily “bookmark” certain posts to go back to later. Or perhaps one is able to list all their liked posts. I don’t think for many of them that they necessarily indicate the liker actually liked the post in question, it was just a quick way to find it again.

YD also quoted a couple of my posts. Those two went on a recent spree of liking, quoting, messaging, threatening, posting, intimidating, harassing, and, it would appear, lying. Wonder what happened that caused such a flurry of activity re: posts that were often a year old or more?

For the record, I have never seen @eggbutt say LK deserved to be shot. I don’t think that’s a fair characterisation of her POV at all. However, again, several posters (not referencing eggbutt in particular) have had IRL experience with LK. Those experiences seem to run the spectrum from bad to catastrophic.

Thought exercise: Imagine MB does his time, gets out, and is later stabbed in an argument and people discuss it online. Imagine LK joins that discussion. Do you think she’d be neutral or supportive of the victim, MB? If she was not, would you blame her? I wouldn’t. She never has to say a kind or even neutral word about him again this lifetime as far as I’m concerned. No matter what happens to him from now on, no matter how sympathetic he may appear to the general public, she will always have a reason to despise him. She will never have a duty to sympathise with him or refrain from saying harsh things about him.


Welcome back!! So sorry the cyber stalking chased you away.

It is nice to discuss the legal angle again, isn’t it?!


Which begs the question……why would YD feel the need to engage in such behavior if they were just some random person engaging in conversation on a message board with other random posters?

And why did LK feel the need to insert references to how much YD “got it right” in other completely non-related threads?


On this I agree with you, unless it turns out she was armed and posed an imminent threat to MB’s life. I’ll be very shocked if that turns out to be the case.


I think that’s why people are wondering whether she has been blocked from CE

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I don’t keep track of her at all. Has she been posting in other forums on the BB?

It is possible that she was given a time out.


That’s a really good point. Why is activity from those two coordinated? The whole thing is so odd.


I believe and many recommend that famous persons, those in the news and celebrities stay away from reading social media. You can post, just don’t bother with the replies.

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Maybe one or the other has set up an alert? Is that even possible on this BB?

They apparently like one another or have a common interest. It may only be Lauren’s case or something else. Nothing sinister.

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I truly doubt that YD and LK even know each other in real life.

YD likes to play with people, they pick the opposing side and then twist things people say while pretending to have an authoritative theory behind them. LK brings up what YD says because LK likes people who agree with her (and who doesn’t) and YD posts things in a manner that make it sound like YD is LK’s biggest supporter.


Let’s focus back on the main topic and less on individual posters, unless it’s related to the case itself.


I have a legal question: if people crossed the police lines the day after the incident and entered the crime scene, would that be a big point for the defence to raise? I’ve read here that there were several boarders who witnessed this and even had interactions with those folks. Would that indicate that maybe evidence was tampered with? Or that there was incompetence in the way LE handled the scene and the investigation?


Good question. I wish I had an answer.

Another question……I assume she and her BF have been deposed in the civil trial. How will that affect the criminal trials ability to use them as witnesses or create a narrative? The prosecution obviously wanted to hinder that process by trying to refuse the subpoena.


I feel stupid for asking this but, what do you mean?

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