Court date for Michael Barisone?

and an MB fangirl


Are there any documents that actually state whether CPS was or was not on the property at the time of the shooting?


huh? Back to the ol tactics of stalking people online eh :wink:

I’m guessing you mean the NP thread ?..can’t think of others where someone is getting piled on. I think I made a joke about the T shirt. I mean the guy is a total sociopath and a danger to society, hes not a victim of a crime. But I mean, I guess straws are easy to be grasped around here. Anything to try and justify actions.

It might also be why no one is giving your “complaints” the time of day in this thread.

every time I post I have like 3 or more people responding and quoting me. The posts aren’t even about anything anymore just piles on about what a bad person I am for calling people out.

Make it make sense.

Does it look like I care though? :joy: You guys are the ones who have to live with yourselves.

Even though none of you “care” about my opinion I guarantee you the replies are going to come piling on. Funny how that works


MB - “This is war”

Direct quote.

Self defence though :wink:


Well, considering that the building inspector had come the day before and kicked them all out of their homes, that one LK did confess to calling, and after lots of other harassments, it’s easy to assume who would do such a thing.

Also, the building inspector had just kicked them out of their homes
and according to LK out of the barn where they were staying. It also sounds like MB had minors living there in working student capacities as well as his GF’s kids. Can you imagine what CPS could do for “uninhabitable” living conditions for kids. It makes for a lot of stress to have CPS on your door for any reason (I know). I’ve “dealt” with CPS twice, and my husband 3 times, two of which were false reporting
.every time who the reporter was was very obvious.


Just fyi LK said “this is war” multiple times in her posts.


That is OK, because it was LK who said it.

MB is a guy, he is not allowed to say such things. LK is.


Given the alleged behavior of LK and RG towards MB and company, MB (or anyone undergoing that type of alleged behavior) might well think it WAS war. Especially if MB and company weren’t getting the type of help they thought was warranted from the police or inspectors.


I agree that even if CPS did not disclose who the reporter was (I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t), MB would probably think he knew for sure it was LK.

Let’s assume that. Heck, for argument’s sake, let’s assume he was correct.

Even assuming all that, he is demonstrating bad, bully like behavior to march over to the residence to confront them and haul them in front of CPS to recant. Even if he did that without bringing the gun, it looks really bad. Going over armed with a gun is reckless and irresponsible, even if the gun did not go off! It makes no sense that he would go over there to confront them while CPS were on the property.

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It’s not “bully” behavior. It’s stress, desperation, and bad decision making because of that expressed in a hope that maybe someone would finally “do something” to help.


As a reminder we are presenting possible scenarios for that day. We acknowledge there are numerous possibilities and are waiting for the facts to be decided. I wish Team LK also did that.


Multiple users are exchanging insults, name calling, etc., so we’re giving this topic a breather until there are further developments in the case in terms of court proceedings or reporting by news agencies.