Court date for Michael Barisone?

When you claim to be afraid?
Uh, no.


You know this how?


The EMTs couldn’t know that.
And a suspect is still presumed innocent and should be treated as such, including emergency medical attention.


Who says they haven’t come forward? Posting on a public forum is a far cry from testimony under oath.




Sounds like the words of someone who was there.

Very interesting!


I can not find it (though I admit I have not really looked for it here or anywhere else), but I think that LK described her injuries in great details in several places (various social media/forum/etc). So this might be where this information comes from.


I am amazed at the number of people in this country who now defend the despicable by changing the narrative, deflecting, blaming others, denying, almost like defending the actions of an exPOTUS (not trying to be political but showing a definite similarity to current events).

GirlJoey lost a child tragically by drowning. Out of the blue she was terrorized by someone she didn’t even know, accusing her of sordid sex acts while the child was drowning, and kept up the harassment for years. Why? What was her motive then? But GJ is now called the one with mental issues because of several posts on a forum. She has gone on to live a productive life.

LK’s family has banned her from the family home. Why?

LK’s ex-inlaws still have an active restraining order against her. Why?

Haleybot still has an active warrant in NC against LK for harassment and attempts to destroy her business.

MH left NJ immediately at the insistence of her family due to fear of RG after the raging scene he and Jonathan Kanarek displayed at the Farm the day after the shooting. MH was offered at least 4 “safe places” to go in other states to hide and recoup.

No one has said MB didn’t fire the weapon. Many have questioned THE CIRCUMSTANCES. Those who believe LK was lounging on his porch reading some book and MB drove up and shot her X times, point blank, execution style, are in complete denial of reality. Yes, adreline helps people do superhuman things when injured, but I don’t buy that she had the strength to inflict the injuries she did after* she was shot.

The convenience of the illegal recording equipment not working that day. Right. What did RG and daddy come to get so urgently the next day?

Keep spinning the LK is an innocent “victim” all you want. Most of us won’t buy it anymore than the 2020 election was stolen.


Yes, including the number of times she was shot, from 4 to 2, to how long she was in a coma, to how long she was hospitalized, to how many times she coded. Exaggerated in almost every detail.


She apparently dabbled in H/J as a teen - Soccer was her childhood sport - and went back to it as a late 30-something adult in NC, before deciding to become America’s Next Great Dressage Star, which eventually brought her back to NJ and Michael Barisone’s farm. From what little there is out there about her Misadventures With Mongo Down South, she was going from place to place with her boarding - causing trouble with owners and other clients - and doing as she pleased, while trying to insert herself into local and online horse communities, where she would run amok and attack anyone she felt like going after.

In the 2010’s, her sisters (Emily and Hillary) were going through the motions of getting engaged and married, so she apparently hatched a plan to return to NJ, with her fiance Mongo in tow, and prove them all wrong about her, by becoming a big Dressage star and getting married after achieving some success. We know that before she was at Barisone’s farm, she was conspicuously absent from the family and residing elsewhere, as she’s not in any of the family photos until fairly recently. We all know - as a matter of public record - that the Kanarek home had been burglarized through a side entrance in the garage and the expensive jewelry collection of Lauren’s Mother was taken from the home, while all other possessions were left unmolested. We know this because her father filed a report with the Police, which is coincidentally, also required for insurance purposes. Insurance wouldn’t cover it, if it was an “inside job” and we have been told via the legal briefings, that Lauren’s father was furiously adamant - to the point of threatening Michael Barisone - that she reside on Michael Barisone’s property and not move back into the Kanarek residence, with fiance [edit], who we all know had been charged with burglary and other criminal offenses in the past. It has also been said, via the Barisone legal briefings, that the couple had a drug problem or was involved with drugs in some way, which would explain the erratic and manic behavior associated with Lauren and [fiance]. At one point, in NC, [he] had gone off on his own, which led to a missing person notice, and the locals who have spoken about the matter say it was likely drug-related.


I concur completely.



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@LexInVA is becoming our own Wikipedia and I, for one, appreciate that.
Thanks, Lex


@SierraMist I believe in previous tangents about CPS, it was stated by a poster who sounded somewhat connected that CPS had left and were not on the property at the time of the shooting.
If I’m misremembering someone will correct me.

CPS was still on the property.


Ok, thanks, my remembering isn’t what it used to be, sigh!


Actually, if the “poster who sounded somewhat connected” was Eggbutt, she said early on that CPS was not on the property, but says now that CPS was on the property. So don’t beat yourself up.

ETA. Eggbutt’s Occam’s razor theory is that MB went over to the house to demand that LK and RG speak to CPS, and LK and RG attacked him. When she first posted that, I thought it made sense, or at least more sense than he wanted to kill them to steal her horses, but now I don’t think it makes sense. CPS would not have told him who the reporter was, and even if he thought he knew for sure who the reporter was, he would be seriously out of line telling CPS that he “knew” who called them and he was going to demand that they recant.

MB going over to the residence, carrying a gun, to demand some sort of interaction of LK with CPS makes him look like a dangerous bully — and that’s even if the gun hadn’t gone off. Why on earth would he go over to confront them if CPS was still on the property?

In my own tally of “what I think I know” about the case, I have no idea whether CPS was still on the property or not.


As I’ve said before, when someone legitimate corrects me, I will modify future posts. Truth matters.


Careful, you’ll be badgered and called an obsessive stalker.


well, she is slogging through the documents and listening to the hearings.