Court date for Michael Barisone?

Yet, she kept insisting she had nowhere to move quickly although she was offered places to go and people to move her.

Ask her how long it took for her to find a trainer of the caliber she demands to accept her once she finally got to FL. Ask who and how many turned her down or never responded to her. Actions have consequences.


I can just hear the 48 Hours guy now: “Could it be that the victim in this case wasn’t such a victim after all? We’ll get to that next, on 48 Hours”.


That might be the Dateline guy you are hearing


Yet, for the first time in 26 months, you bring up attorneys were trying to work things out. You slept with one eye open, but wanted to stay? So what was the negotiation about? Kiss and make up? Kick MH to the curb and make you the Barn Princess? Amazing. Just amazing.


Uh, so what was there to ‘work out’, if not the request to leave?


Perhaps this was discussed elsewhere and I’m not willing to look through thousands of posts – there are a few folks on here who keep saying LK has a long list of people she has harassed and tried to destroy. Other than the Joey person (who seems to have some mental issues) and, if I recall, someone who groomed her horse that she fired, who are all the other trainers and people that you (g) claim LK had intense controversies with? Other than the Barisone situation? Word clashes with a few people on this forum didn’t seem to have started until after several weeks/months/years of relentless sneers and jabs against her, led by Eggbutt, who admits she hates LK but doesn’t know LK personally.

Until Barisone shot her, I’d never heard of any controversies involving LK before or even now, more than 2 years later (other than with anonymous posters on this forum). Obviously she’s boarding, training and showing again and all those people in contact with her now don’t seem to have any problems.

So is it an exaggeration that LK leaves a trail of destruction with all the people she associates with? If not, why haven’t all these alleged people made complaints, filed for protective orders, etc? It’s obvious LK affords to pay thousands for training, lessons/showing and purchasing horses. If she was stiffing a lot of trainers/boarding barns/sellers, I’m sure the folks on here who say they hate her and want to destroy her would have sniffed out that info by now and reported back here in minute detail.



Cleaning some law office? That’s something LK would say! Right out of her harassing messages to me.

Show me where I gave you a booboo because you seem to be hurting so bad you no longer understand the English language.


As I said, the time frame was left completely unspecified in the IM statement. If she wanted another BNT in Wellington willing and able to accept her with 4 or 5 horses, I can see that could well take weeks rather than days. Everyone has acknowledged that things went south in a very short period of time.


The people on here who are outraged that the police/emt didn’t immediately see to Barisone’s broken arm (and they wouldn’t know if it was broken unless a bone was sticking out), perhaps are unaware of triage situations. You have a man bleeding from a cut on his head, complaining his arm hurts, and you have a woman on the ground with 2 gunshot wounds to the chest. At least one of those chest shots was a sucking wound. Obviously they have to attend to a dying person on the ground before doing anything to comfort the shooter whose arm hurts. Head cuts bleed profusely and most police officers see enough of those to quickly assess the situation.
Another thing I noted in the comments here, a few people led by Eggbutt have said many times it would be impossible for LK to fight back once Barisone shot her. In some situations when a person is wounded badly, the body produces an adrenaline rush and endorphin release so much so that for a short time the person feels no pain or aware how badly they are injured. I knew a man who was hit by a car while riding a motorcycle. His leg was amputated in the accident and the man belly crawled 50 feet down the road trying to get to his leg. The only thought in his head was that he had to get his leg, not that he was mortally injured. Thousands of people in combat have been shot or blown up and they carry on fighting or saving someone.


the point of contention is that they grabbed up a person covered in blood, involved in an altercation and did 
MB could have very well been stabbed or shot himself.

Then there is the assumption without further investigation that MB was actually the person doing the shooting.
You know, lack of actual police work.
I mean, I understand that a small department may not have the experience dealing with those kinds of things, but shucks, Cop shows have been on the air forever, at least go through the motions.

As far as LK’s reputation,
I forgot more threads and stories that deal with the hush-hush mentality of the industry to even bother to wonder why this might not have made the Chronicle front page.
And I believe LK was a crossover, many of her victims participated in another discipline?

So many times the victim of a malevolent person only gets to hear the story once they have been bloodied in the encounter.


 and the prize for the quickest u-turn goes to “it was pretty much all that much younger MH that was behind this, she was jealous of LK and her horses and she was the one that was pushing her old boyfriend MB to get her out so that she could be the only person who rides in the Olympics, yeah, pretty much all MH - oh, what, I wasn’t supposed to say it was MH? Sorry, crap, let me figure out how I can quickly spin it back so it’s DEFINITELY not MH, nope, not her, ever.” I could almost see the smoke coming from under the tires as the “MH is to blame” car was thrown into fast reverse.


She started ranting about MH in the very beginning, blaming her for this and that. I remember reaming her out that it was none of her business what goes on in their relationship. LK has some kind of rabid infatuation about MH, what horses she has or doesn’t have, really any and everything about the woman. Honestly what does MH have to do with anything?


Of course Barisone did the shooting. Even his own attorney acknowledges MB did the shooting. Hence the self defense/insanity claim. I can’t believe there are people on here who are still trying to say Michael Barisone didn’t shoot LK.

Doesn’t matter if LK was in other disciplines before dressage, as you say. Where are the trainers and other people who claim she left a trail of destruction? It doesn’t appear there are any or they would have come forward. Why on earth would there be a hush hush mentality about a rider. The trainers are the ones everyone seems to cover up for until recently. And even when there is damning evidence, irrefutable evidence, there are people who believe a BNT can do no wrong. That’s the sickening part of the horse industry.


There are many people who played a role in what happened at MB’s farm. MH was certainly a part of what happened, as was RC. And evidently some as yet publicly identified people who may have a minor role. MH got the hell out immediately as she knew MB did the shooting - she wanted to distance herself as far from MB as possible so as to try to not be involved. RC as well, even though she was charged with illegally bringing the gun to NJ for MB to use. Last that was posted here a few weeks ago, the criminal charges against RC are still pending. If this case does go to trial and MH and RC don’t come to his defense, you can bet his attorney will throw them under the bus. That MH contributed to his psychotic mental state by threatening to leave, and that RC encouraged him to take her gun and go after LK and RG. Defense attorneys always want to make the case against everyone else except the paying client.

Someone else floated the idea that MB stormed down to the house to make LK and RG immediately go to the barn to speak to CPS. So was the scenario something like this? CPS: We need to speak to LK and RG. MB: I’ll go get them to come up here and speak to you. CPS: I can stop down there on my way out. MB: No, I’ll get them right now. But I need to take this gun down there to threaten them so they’ll come up here and talk with you. CPS: Ok, sounds like a plan.


Have you read about the part where LK threatens anyone who talks against her?
Does that not seem like a good reason for most people whose path she has crossed to be hush hush about her trail of destruction?
Heck, even the people who speak up here who say anything get pounced on by the ‘you must be lying’ crowd and the ‘how dare you say bad things about a victim’ crowd.


I think hunter/jumper, but I don’t feel like looking for it. Pretty sure it was h/j.


Good points.
Wonder if RC or MH will testify for or against MB.


I must live in such a very different world. I don’t have an attorney. Let alone one I would bother consulting (and paying) in a situation like this. The barn owner is crazy/does not want me here anymore/sucks is so not a pay a lawyer to deal with it situation to me.

If you read the old threads LK insists that MB is not the owner.
Heck, do you remember where she said that the owner of SGF wanted her to stay after this?


I do. Of course an elderly couple would ask her to stay on rather than their business partner of a few decades who had made it a successful and profitable business. You know, the guy who had already had demonstrated success in international competition.




Oh yeah I’m sure CPS said “sure bring the gun that’s a good idea”. Because Child Protective Services always encourages compliance via an illegally possessed firearm use at their investigation. Makes perfect sense.


Please, your entire scenario shows your bias towards a number of people. Someone not involved wouldn’t have such biases.